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a dropdown list box to control both List and chart on the list page

10/9/2021 9:08:16 AM
PHPRunner General questions
ustunsoz author

I have created a list page along with a chart on same page (used design page insert chart option)

img alt

now I have added a code snippet to control one field to filter the list with following code:

$value = preg_replace("/\(month_actual~equals~(.+)\)/", "$1", $_SESSION['month_q']);

$str= "<select onchange=\"window.location.href=this.options[this.".
"selectedIndex].value;\" class=\"form-control\"><option value=\"\">Please select category</option>";
//select values from database
global $conn;
$strSQL = "select sequence, value, language from cc_months WHERE language = 'English'";
$rs = DB::Query($strSQL);
while ($data = $rs->fetchAssoc()){

$str.="<option "
.( intval($data["sequence"]) == intval($value)?"selected":"" )
." value='property_week_stat_list.php?q=(month_actual~equals~".

echo $str;

1.The code succefully filtering the list but not the chart! How can I link the chart to the dropdown box to synq the both list and chart?
2.How can I customize the dropdown box language as multilang?

Thanks in advance