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Image stores other info then just the file name

7/12/2021 4:01:59 PM
PHPRunner General questions
horsey_kim author

When I upload an image file, it should be just the image name. The file goes in the directory correctly but the database field has a bunch of verbiage that I don't want. I use phprunner for a backend operation, I make custom php (non phprunner) pages for my customers, so the field needs to be just the directory/filename.ext

Here is what I am getting: [{"name":"logo\/sherman_kmkaru7x.jpg","usrName":"sherman.jpg","size":4777,"type":"image\/jpeg","searchStr":"sherman.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]

Help please.

My settings for the filed are

img alt

img alt

img alt

fhumanes 7/14/2021


The fields where the files stored in FileSytem are stored by phprunner are filed documented in Phprunner and facilitate the management of the files.

In this example:
It facilitated a series of routines to work with these fields and if you observe it, it is very easy to do what you need.

