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Support for JSON file in Custom Files Folders

6/25/2021 7:18:30 PM
acpan author

Here are 3 small suggestions:

  1. Ability to show and edit JSON files in Text Editor Custom Files folder.
    Currently when import JSON file, you see a blank page, and you can't edit.
    Only files with extension txt then you can edit.

Need to work on JSON files nowadays, it will be useful to be able to edit loke txt file.

  1. Move the custom files folders from editor to event codes screen, and likewise, the header and footer to event codes screen.

So when we need to edit the custom files and often, the need to refer to event codes, we can find and work on the same place. Currently we need to go Editor and Events to and fro, and the screen loading can take time.

  1. Runner Forum is not mobile friendly when editing, some random text are pasted to the text area field while typing, need to switch to Desktop view for mobile phone to edit. As i created this suggestion using my mobile phone, i had to switch to desktop view to compose the text. Suggest to change to another text area plugin for the forum.