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Show on filter panel locking up or not retrieving data for | YEAR(c.actfinish) as [Year],

6/9/2021 11:38:03 AM
PHPRunner General questions
LandonH author

The query below work s great.
I need to add the Year and Month to show on filter panel.
When I add the YEAR(c.actfinish) as [Year], to the filter panel the data will not load and times out.
The Month works great.
The data is in the list and runs in < 1s.

Why month works but year does not.

!! Oh by the way it was working 4 PHPRunner build back.

Using PHPRunner Enterprise! 10.5 build 37251 x64

/ Query /
/ MS-102 Completed YEar-Month-Summary Estimated Labor by Classification/
YEAR(c.actfinish) as [Year],
MONTH(c.actfinish) as [Month],
CAST(SUM(c.estdur) as numeric(6,2)) as [Esthours],
CAST(SUM(b.regularhrs) as Numeric(6,2)) as [Reghrs],
--(CAST(SUM(b.regularhrs) as Numeric(6,2))) / (CAST(SUM(c.estdur) as numeric(6,2))) as [%POC], / Percentage of Completion /
(CAST(SUM(b.regularhrs) as Numeric(6,2))) / (CAST(SUM(c.estdur) as numeric(6,2))) 100 as [%Est-Accuracy], / Percentage of Completion Easy Read*/
Count(cs.classificationid) as [#WO]
from workorder a
left outer join labtrans b on b.refwo=a.wonum
left outer join woactivity c on c.wonum=a.wonum --a.wonum=c.wonum
Left Join classstructure as cs ON cs.classstructureid = a.classstructureid
where (a.status in('comp','Close')) and a.wogroup in
(select wogroup from workorder
where maintby='ms102' and (worktype!='ppm' and worktype!='mpm' OR worktype is null) and a.taskid is not null)
group by cs.classificationid, YEAR(c.actfinish),MONTH(c.actfinish)
Order By YEAR(c.actfinish)desc,MONTH(c.actfinish)desc,cs.classificationid

admin 6/9/2021

What kind of database do you use? Does the same query work when you run it manually?

You can turn on SQL debugging and see what is the actual SQL query generated behind the scene and it can point you in the right direction.

LandonH author 6/9/2021

I use SQL.
When I run it in SSMS is runs with no issues and I have many other applications that do the same thisng with no issues.

Can SQL debugging be turned on in the PHPRunner aplication ?


admin 6/9/2021

Yes, it can and this is what I suggested. Google "phprunner sql debugging", first result.