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Dashboard card spacing

4/30/2021 7:21:21 PM
PHPRunner General questions
david22585 author

Has anyone figured out a way to make the cards on the dashboard spaced out at all? If I target table class="bs-dashboard" with border-collapse: seperate and border-spacing to space the cards out, it also changes the child tables within each element. If I sent the td class="bs-dbelement" to something else, it cancels out the bs-dashboard class style. Was just looking for any recommendations to spread them out some.

admin 4/30/2021

If you post a screenshot with some notes on it - it will be easier for people to understnd what do you need to change.

david22585 author 5/1/2021

In the top, you can see the gap between the individual dashboard elements. But when compared to the lower image, the spacing also spaces out the contents within the individual dashboard elements as well.