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Error Building Templates

4/10/2021 5:31:56 PM
PHPRunner General questions
klyle author

What is the cause and solution of errors when Building?...

Error building '{TABLENAMEl' templates:

Code 0 - OK

Is this a function of project size?
I do have a few dozen objects in my project...Could or should I split the project at some point?

Tandy 4/10/2021

Looks to me that the Table is not in the database?

admin 4/12/2021

We would need to see the follwoing two full-page screenshots:

  1. Output directory of PHPRunner, need to see where the project itself is located and where generated files go.
  2. Also a screenshot with the error message.

klyle author 4/12/2021

Thanks, guys.

The table is in the database, because it builds successfully on retries.

There was an issue that Sergey advised me on, moving the project folder out from under OneDrive, and I somehow reverted to storing the project file there.

I sometimes also output to a USB drive.

It seems that anything device that has some latency/througput issue can cause issues like this.

I just did a build with no issues, with both the source and the output directories on C:, and will report back with the requested info any future issues.

jadachDevClub member 4/12/2021

I have also recently been seeing that error. I think it has to do more with the environment than the software. If it keeps acting up, I move the project from a network folder to my local machine. It only happens once in a while.