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Autoupdate Vaue setting in Edit As

4/2/2021 10:19:32 PM
PHPRunner General questions
klyle author

I was not able to locate anything in the Help or forum about what this value is and the text in the builder talks about Default value on Add New, which I would think would be different.

klyle author 4/2/2021

It seems like this is very parallel to the Default Value on Add New, but does indeed enter the Autoupdate value given on Edit of the record.

klyle author 4/3/2021

Confirming...In Edit As page of Help file :
AutoUpdate value

An AutoUpdate value will be assigned to a field every time a record is updated on the Edit page. You can use this feature to keep track of who and when updated the record.

An AutoUpdate value should be a valid PHP expression. See sample expressions for the Default value.