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change database connection in server side

3/28/2021 5:47:23 AM
PHPRunner General questions
m.salahi author

hi every one ;

how i can change databse connection in server side without upload all the project ..

Tandy 3/28/2021

Are you asking what file? If so look at output/connections/ConnectionManager.php

m.salahi author 3/28/2021

thanks to help me

i see the password repeat 4 time in ConnectionManager.php
do i need to change 4 time in server side ;

$data = array();
$data["dbType"] = 1;
$data["connId"] = "qasim_at_localhost_1521_xe";
$data["connName"] = "qasim at localhost:1521/xe";
$data["connStringType"] = "oracle";
$data["connectionString"] = "oracle;qasim;test;localhost:1521/xe"; //currently unused

$this->_connectionsIdByName["qasim at localhost:1521/xe"] = "qasim_at_localhost_1521_xe";

$data["connInfo"] = array();
$data["ODBCUID"] = "qasim";
$data["ODBCPWD"] = "test";
$data["leftWrap"] = "\"";
$data["rightWrap"] = "\"";

$data["DBPath"] = "db"; //currently unused
$data["useServerMapPath"] = 1; //currently unused
// Don't change any of these lines manually!
// Use 'Server database connections' feature on the Output screen in PHPRunner instead.
$data["connInfo"][0] = "qasim";
$data["connInfo"][1] = "test";
$data["connInfo"][2] = "localhost:1521/xe";
$data["connInfo"][3] = "";
$data["connInfo"][4] = "";
$data["connInfo"][5] = ""; //currently unused
$data["connInfo"][6] = ""; //currently unused
$data["ODBCString"] = "DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=localhost:1521/xe;DBQ=localhost:1521/xe;Uid=qasim;Pwd=test";
Tandy 3/28/2021

I am not sure. I never went though the back door. I have always used the system and uploaded changed files..

admin 3/28/2021

The recommended way is as follows.

  1. Create a new Server Database Connection on the 'Output Directory' screen and specify your new connection parameters there.
  2. Build the project and upload 'Changed files only'.

This is it.

m.salahi author 3/28/2021

D&J Data - Boat Transporters