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Hide panel-header of a element in a dashboard with multiple elements

3/22/2021 1:01:54 PM
PHPRunner General questions
abhijit2020 author

I am using PHPRunner 10.4 (build 36834).
I have a dashboard with multiple elements that display reports and charts. I would like to hide the panel-header of one of the elements (chart).
I tried with the following code on the JavaScriptOnload event in the Chart Page, but didn't work.
$("ul[class='panel panel-heading']").hide();
Following CSS code works, but it hides the header of all the elements


Any direction appreciated.
Thank you,

admin 3/22/2021

This panel doesn't belong to the chart, it belongs to the dashboard. This means you need to add this Javascript code to the Dashboard page and not to the chart page. Also the correct syntax will be as follows:

abhijit2020 author 3/23/2021

This panel doesn't belong to the chart, it belongs to the dashboard. This means you need to add this Javascript code to the Dashboard page and not to the chart page. Also the correct syntax will be as follows:


Thank you, Sergey. I tried with the above code in the dashbaord and it didn't hide the header panel. Am I specifying the wrong class. Below is the screen image...Thank you, Abhi

abhijit2020 author 3/23/2021

Thank you, Sergey. I tried with the above code in the dashbaord and it didn't hide the header panel. Am I specifying the wrong class. Below is the screen image...Thank you, Abhi

The image is not uploaded. Not sure how to upload it. Specified the image location (e.g. C:\Temp\dashboard.PNG) in image URL.

admin 3/24/2021

You need to upload your screenshot somewhere else and then use the image URL if you want to show it.
If you need to learn more about CSS please check these two videos:

abhijit2020 author 4/3/2021

Thank you for the information and it was helpfull to change some of default appearances of my project. I did some modification to my dashboard and I am good without hiding the panel header...Abhi