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About $session data values

3/21/2021 3:32:30 PM
PHPRunner General questions
alfonso authorDevClub member

I have a users table with several fields.

When login I want to get a value of field in table users called "province" for later assign this value to other field in Before record event. I do this:
In Login After successful login:

$_SESSION["prov"] = $data["province"];
Later, in my table into Events Add Before Record Added:

$values["provin_id"] = $_SESSION["prov"];
But I get empty. I don't get to assign in my table->provin_id province value

Tandy 3/21/2021

I have a users table with several fields.

When login I want to get a value of field in table users called "province" for later assign this value to other field in Before record event. I do this:
In Login After successful login:

$_SESSION["prov"] = $data["province"];
Later, in my table into Events Add Before Record Added:

$values["provin_id"] = $_SESSION["prov"];
But I get empty. I don't get to assign in my table->provin_id province value

I have in my fields as readonly and in default $_SESSION["prov"] But the field has to have the check mark to add or if you need it to update in edit. Since it is in readonly they can not add or edit that field it just shows them the listing for your $_SESSION["prov"]