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October 2, 2020. PHPRunner, ASPRuner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.4 maintenance release

10/2/2020 5:16:23 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

October 2, 2020. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.4 maintenance release

build 35858

  • fixed search by Display field in lookups when lookup table is SQL View;
  • projects based on ODBC connections could crash while uploading to the Demo Account;
  • fixed dependent filters;
  • .NET - import errors didn't make it to the log;
  • depenedent dropdowns didn't work on Search page in dashboards;
  • fixed List page with AJAX + pagination issues;
  • .NET apps didn't work with '-' symbol in web path;
  • fixed Signature pad plugin Reset behavior;
  • fixed View as Percent in SQL Server;
  • fixed left bar scrolling with 'List page with AJAX' option;
  • improved Oracle db info fetching;
  • fixed minor glitch in PHP - Desktop application styling;
  • fixed Search suggest issue in SQL View + List page with search lookup;
    Customers who purchased less than twelve months ago can download this update via the control panel.
    Customers who purchased more than twelve months ago can renew their maintenance using links below:
    PHPRunner maintenance
    ASPRunner.NET maintenance
    ASPRunnerPro maintenance
    Trial version download links:
    The whole list of features in this release: