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 Case Study – ASPRunner.NET REST API Creation for a Healthcare Company

9/25/2020 6:30:11 AM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
FrankR_ENTA author

Case Study – ASPRunner.NET REST API Creation for a Healthcare Company
I thought I would write up a short case study on the enormous success we have had applying ASPRunner.NET REST API Creation capabilities in our development efforts.
We are a large ENT and Allergy practice in the United States. Hundreds of physicians and several dozen offices. We use a 3rd party commercial EHR – Electronic Health Records system. The database for that system is massive. While the native Windows client application interface provided by the 3rd party is rich, it isn’t necessarily oriented for operations efficiency. Specifically, call center agent efficiency when on the phone with patients requesting appointments.
Two years ago, we built an application that does some interfacing directly to the EHR. The interfaces were in the form of embedded SQL or stored procedures interacting directly with the database of the EHR. Those interfaces became valuable to us, but, on initial design, they weren’t planned for reusability.
When I saw how well the new ASPRunner.NET REST API Creation was working, I took the plunge and created an ASPRunner SPAPI app that would be a resuable back end REST API. SPAPI is an acronym for Stored Procedure API.
I took all the embedded SQL and stored procedure invocations from our previous app, and I created SPAPI endpoints for each of them. That worked amazingly well. It was such a pleasure to concentrate on the data and business logic, and not the nuts and bolts of a REST API server application.
When SPAPI was completed, we then built a new application that essentially achieves a semi-automated appointment creation. This application is used by our call center agents. A patient calls in and asks for an appointment. Before this new application was created, the agent needed to very rapidly read several bodies of information in different places for the office, doctor, and patient, and then manually make some decisions on how the appointment would be created. Now, the agent has all of that information in a single application interface, and the decisions regarding how the appointment is created are automated inside the application.
This app is fast becoming a priceless asset to the company. The call center agents are saving significant time for each call. It is leading to a reduction in overall call waiting times and increasing patient satisfaction with the call experience. The app is now in use by 25 agents, and that will increase significantly over time.
This was all enabled with code reuse, and most important, an incredibly powerful approach to REST API Creation provided in ASPRunner.NET.

jadachDevClub member 9/27/2020

That sounds awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.

Sergey Kornilov 10/1/2020

Thank you for sharing, Frank!