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May 15, 2020. PHPRunner, ASPRuner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.4 maintenance release

5/15/2020 12:16:10 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

May 15, 2020. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.4 maintenance release

build 35079

  • added new REST API Authentication types - OAUTH 2.0 - App and Custom;
  • fixed Export to PDF in Crosstab reports;
  • added custom .NET code generation in REST Views;
  • improved Date and Datetime fields searching;
  • updated builtin PHP to verson 5.6
  • .NET - email From parameter can now be chjanged from custom code;
  • added support for SQL queries with MySQL GROUP_CONCAT function;
  • fixed master-details filter disappearing after going back from View page;
  • fixed visual issues on Datasource screen on small displays;
  • added :filter macro to Datasource screen;
  • added advanced REST results handling - can now process object instead of arrays and multiple arrays;
  • fixed old projects sometimes failing using Lookup wizards;
  • headers.htm file changes on Editor screen were not applied to generated pages;
  • added LIMIT macro variables to Datasource screen;
  • fixed Lookup wizards not displaying values deleted from the Lookup table;
  • SQL queries with two * symbols were not processed properly;
  • fixed .NET - View as File - Custom expression issue;
  • added support for DESC sorting in crosstab reports; just add ORDER BY FIELDNAME DESC to SQL to make it sorted backward in the report;
  • ORDER BY clause now also applies to charts with totals;
  • .NET only - fixed login with Google;
  • search highlighting didn't respect 'case-insensitive saerching' option;
  • fixed compatibility issues in 'Connect using PHP' for MySQL;
  • made Security::currentUserData compatible with Active Directory login;
  • fixed LDAPS support in .NET;
    Customers who purchased less than twelve months ago can download this update via the control panel.
    Customers who purchased more than twelve months ago can renew their maintenance using links below:
    PHPRunner maintenance
    ASPRunner.NET maintenance
    ASPRunnerPro maintenance
    Trial version download links:
    The whole list of features in this release: