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 Login URL?

1/9/2020 3:16:18 PM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
Pete K author

I could have sworn I read somewhere (manual, forum, or blog) where at some point functionality was added to allow a user to access an app and login via a single URL containing the encoded username and password. But I have searched all over the place and can't find any reference to that now. Did I dream this, or is it just incredibly difficult to find?

Nir Frumer 1/9/2020
hi I believe that you refer tos this one.

Pete K author 1/10/2020

Hi. Thanks for the reply, but no -- that is not what I'm asking about. This has nothing to do with multi-tenancy. All I am asking about is one link to pass the authentication info and log the user in. I'm sure I saw a post about that somewhere recently.

Pete K author 1/10/2020

Figured out a way to do this by adding the following code to the BeforeProcessLogin() event of the login page.

//Check to see if username and password were passed in the querystring and if so, log user in and redirect to ballot page
string password = MVCFunctions.postvalue("password");

string username = MVCFunctions.postvalue("username");
if (Security.checkUsernamePassword(username, password, false))


Security.loginAs(username, false);

MVCFunctions.HeaderRedirect("Ballots", "list");


admin 1/14/2020

Here is the link:
This is the second post in Tips and Tricks forum.

Pete K author 1/15/2020

Here is the link:
This is the second post in Tips and Tricks forum.

Thanks, Sergey. I knew I had seen it somewhere. Looks like I came up with pretty much the same code.