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3/21/2003 12:09:04 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

I am testing your product. I am getting this error from my server. I am pretty sure my directory structure is correct, but I am unsure of this "registry key" issue mentioned. Can someone assist? Thanks
Technical information

Error number -2147467259

Error description [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x16fc Thread 0x17b4 DBC 0x20db00c Jet'.

URL /asp_runner/people_list.asp

SQL query select * from [people]

500013 3/21/2003

I figured out my problem. Seems like a pretty cool tool. I hope that I can customize it some.

admin 3/21/2003

usually that means some problem with connection string, wrong path to the database etc.
I see you figured that out.
Sergey Kornilov