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Synchronising Access tables

12/17/2003 3:03:57 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

I'm new to web databases and wondered how people synchronize their PC and online databases.
I have a master database in Access 2003, with a copy of tables on the web. The main table can be appended from pc-web, and updated only on the web. So I need to append new records pc-web, then update ammended records web-pc, and send it all back to the web.
From a beginners point of view, what is the easiest way to achieve this from within Access? I'm not sure if I should copy the whole db to the pc, update it then copy it back, but this could take too long.
Any suggestions welcome!

admin 12/18/2003

take a look at builtin MS Access replication. Probably it's what you looking for.
Best regards,

Sergey Kornilov