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August 22, 2019. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.2 maintenance release

8/22/2019 11:31:47 AM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

August 22, 2019. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET, ASPRunnerPro 10.2 maintenance release

build 33576
Customers can download this update via the control panel at
The whole list of features in this release:
[size="4"]Fixed in this update[/size]

  • added new SMS providers (,,,
    How to use those providers? Proceed to the <installation folder>\source\include folder. From that folder copy SMS provider file to source\include\sms.php file, replacing existing one. In ASPRunner.NET file name is sms.cs, in ASPRunerPro it is sms.asp.
    Go to the respective website of the chosen SMS provider and create an account there. Edit sms.php file placing your API credentials there. Build your project.
    Now all SMS messages will go through selected SMS provider. Applies to two-factor authentication and all calls of runner_sms function calls.
  • view as Image didn't work in the details on the Print page;
  • landing page didn't work with non-default pages;
  • fixed wrong text-align in PDF for some View as types;
  • custom files starting with . were not saved;
  • add in popup didn't add to grid calculated fields;
  • PDF creation with images didn't work with Internet Explorer;
  • totals did not appear after inline add into the empty table;
  • JS OnLoad event didn't work on the Login page;
  • images didn't show up in Master preview if those fields were not added to the master's List page;
  • breadcrumb didn't work properly with two master-details tables not added to the menu;
  • fixed message in the charts with no data;
  • images with spaces in the name weren't shown in PDF;
  • added projectBuildNumber variable to keep track of project builds;
    This is a counter that remembers how many times you have built the project. How to use it in a code snippet or in the header file?

global $projectBuildNumber;

echo $projectBuildNumber;




Response.Write projectBuildNumber