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 Printing or PDF Text Color

7/18/2019 3:27:20 PM
PHPRunner General questions
dpst813 author

Is there any way of printing or using PDF Feature to bring over the colors I have set via custom view of the field or events? It seems to work if doing an export via word or excel, but a printout or pdf would be better. Just wondering if anyone has had success doing this.
I have placed this in List After Record Processed.

if($_SESSION["listpage"] == "ohi_list"){

if (fnmatch("Lot - Ready for Sale",$data['TrailerStockStatus'])) {


} else {




It displays fine in the list view with no issues. But when printing or pdf it all prints out black.

dpst813 author 7/19/2019

I found a fix for this in case else anyone comes across this problem for themselves.
Just added a custom CSS Attribute.

* {

color: inherit !important;


I applied this custom CSS just to the Print page only. I will state so far it does not work when creating the PDF. I toss this more up to possible DomPDF issue possibly. Let me know if anyone sees any potential issue for this. Thank you all.