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AJAX pagination and sorting with PHPRunner 10.1

5/15/2019 3:45:51 AM
PHPRunner General questions
wpl author

Dear Runners,
did anybody also observe the following behaviour with PHPRunner v.10.1, latest build?
Created a very simple listpage, with "List page settings":
"AJAX search, pagination and sorting" and "Reorder records when clicking on column header"
After building the app and clicking on any column header, the records will get sorted as expected, but the app will always fire a "GET" event for sorting

and, thus, reload the complete page instead of the data grid part only. PHPRunner 9.8 will send these requests via POST.

wpl author 5/31/2019

Dear Runners,
did anybody also observe the following behaviour with PHPRunner v.10.1, latest build?
Created a very simple listpage, with "List page settings":
"AJAX search, pagination and sorting" and "Reorder records when clicking on column header"
After building the app and clicking on any column header, the records will get sorted as expected, but the app will always fire a "GET" event for sorting

and, thus, reload the complete page instead of the data grid part only. PHPRunner 9.8 will send these requests via POST.

Nobody to comment on that? I started digging around a little and found in "include/myTable_settings.php":

$tmyTable[".listAjax"] = true;

// temporary

$tmyTable[".listAjax"] = false;

$tmyTable[".audit"] = false;

And in "c:\Program Files\PHPRunner10.1\source\include\settings.php"

##if @TABLE.bListAJAX && @TABLE.strDataSourceTable!="admin_members" && @TABLE.strDataSourceTable!="admin_rights"##

$tdata##@TABLE.strShortTableName##[".listAjax"] = true;


$tdata##@TABLE.strShortTableName##[".listAjax"] = false;


// temporary

$tdata##@TABLE.strShortTableName##[".listAjax"] = false;

Any hint on that?

admin 5/31/2019

I guess nobody else experienced this issue. You can upload it to Demo Account and contact support directly - we will take a look.

wpl author 5/31/2019

thanks for your input. Since I am using a simple SQLite-DB there seems to be no possibility for an upload.

But I could prepare a zip-file with the project file, data and description and send it to support.