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Concatenating field values and Date

5/6/2019 7:02:53 AM
PHPRunner General questions
gagsoft author

Please excuse my ignorance. I just started working with javascript
In the Add Page JavascriptOnLoadevent I want to concatenate

a constant text "C-", 2 digit current year and the Auto Inc number of the current register table

to create a value that must go into a request number field.

Would appreciate it if someone could just give some guidance as to how to achieve this.

Kindly see example; C-19-1858
var ctrlRequest = Runner.getControl(pageid,"Reqnum");

var ctrlRegID = Runner.getControl(pageid,"Register_ID" );

var ctrlprefix = "C-";

var ctrlhyphen = "-";

var ctrlrequest = ctrlSampleID.substring(5.5)

var ctrltwoDigitsCurrentYear = String(Date().getFullYear().substr(2,2));

admin 5/6/2019

What results this code produces currently?

gagsoft author 5/6/2019

What results this code produces currently?

none.....The field is blank

admin 5/6/2019

Use setValue() function to assign a value to control: