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LDAP integration

1/29/2019 2:40:08 PM
PHPRunner General questions
schaet author


I am using PHPRunner v10. I need to enable LDAP authentication, but can't find any current documentation on how to go about doing so. Has anyone been successful in this?
Question #2 If I was to go to the Active Directory route, how would I do this is a username/password is required to be attach to the application to AD? (the server that the PHPRunner application is running on is CentOS and I cannot add it to the domain as I have no access to do so)

admin 2/1/2019

Every LDAP configuration is a bit different but as a first step proceed to Security screen and enter LDAP parameters under Active Directory.
Also when you adding an admin group instead of 'Search' click 'Add' and just add the group name manually.