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 mobile desktop radio button missing on style page

8/4/2017 7:06:50 PM
PHPRunner General questions
rstackhouse author

In 9.8 with the new mobile 2.
At first I was not seeing the mobile button on the MISC page, then I noticed that there is a release in Program Files and "Program Files (x86)
I put them in both places and the MISC now shows "build Mobile"
however now the style page does not show the new radio button for desktop/mobile and the right click on a page doesn't give the choices as suggested in the manual
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

rstackhouse author 8/7/2017

Just in case, I uninstalled and deleted all php releases and reinstalled 64bit and just see 64bit in Programss -- installed the mobile directory after unzip and still see the above issue.
BTW, the mail message that comes with the template speaks of the x86 directory not that one should choose based on which release was installed where -- I assume that's an issue with the mail message and that I'm not assuming the instructions are not updated for 64/32

admin 8/7/2017

If you use Bootstrap layouts Mobile template is not required and 'Mobile' version switch won't be available on those pages.