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Upload ( Global ) delete file when associated record deleted

2/2/2006 11:41:51 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
lefty author

I was in need of the new feature to delete associated uploaded files when the record is deleted. I was testing this option and I am getting the following error message when I check off the box to delete file that is associated with record in list mode.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0035'

File not found
Debug mode:

select [Key], [Club_Id], [Tournament_Name], [Upload_Tournament_File], [Starting_Date], [Ending_Date], [Format], [OtherNotes], [Tees], [Chairman/Officials], [Chairman/Officials Email], [Prizes], [Pairings], [Upload_Pairings_File] From [Schedule] where ([Schedule].[Club_Id]='22') ORDER BY [Ending_Date] ASC

select count(*) From [Schedule] where ([Schedule].[Club_Id]='22')
Edit View:

select [Key], [Club_Id], [Tournament_Name], [Upload_Tournament_File], [Starting_Date], [Ending_Date], [Format], [OtherNotes], [Tees], [Chairman/Officials], [Chairman/Officials Email], [Prizes], [Pairings], [Upload_Pairings_File] From [Schedule] where (([Schedule].[Key]=24)) and ([Schedule].[Club_Id]='22')
I am also getting this error when uploading some files; but not all of them
ADODB.Stream error '800a0bbc'

Write to file failed.
This only happens with the new feature in 4.0 checkbox to delete associated file when record is deleted.
Any idea on this?

admin 2/3/2006

Thank you for pointing me to this issue. We'll fix it in the next ASPRunnerPro update.
To get your pages working now please modify DeleteFile function in INCLUDE/commonfunction.asp file. Please see my changes in Bold.

sub DeleteFile(strFileName)

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if fso.FileExists(strFileName) then


end if

set fso = Nothing

admin 2/3/2006

I wasn't able to reproduce "Write to file failed" error.

Please zip and send generated ASP files to along with project file and your sample database for investigation.

lefty author 2/3/2006


I wasn't able to reproduce "Write to file failed" error.

Please zip and send generated ASP files to along with project file and your sample database for investigation.

My Directory folder seems to have been corrupted. After creating a new directory ; problem seems to have been corrected. will further test with new code above for "file not found".