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 Transfer data from Customer_Add Page To Order_Add page

12/28/2014 5:54:23 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
gonzalosb author

Hi all,

i need to copy and transfer a CustomerID when i add a new customer from Customer_add page to auto fill the same field on Order_add page
i saw this before but i cant found it now. is something like " xt.assign "but dont remember
i have "Response.Redirect "Order_add.asp" on AFTER RECORD ADDED but missing the transfer section
thank you.

admin 12/29/2014

You can save CustomerID in session variable in AfterAdd event using




Then you can use Session("CustomerID") as a default value for CustomerID field on Order_Add page.

gonzalosb author 1/9/2015

thank you, it work...