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Dependant Dropdown Issue

11/10/2014 10:43:01 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
lefty author

I have two tables (ASPrunner 8.0 build 19901)
Product Table



Ar_Codes Table




I have a third table called Merchandiser_Photos





Other fields not related
On the add page on the above Merchandiser_photos table

I need to fill Supplier from the Products Table
Also need to fill

vendor_number and

supplier_number from the AR_Codes table since that data is not in the products table as Brand is not in the AR_codes table also.
The Supplier field data in the product table is identical to the _Supplier field data_in the _ARcodes table

So I made vendor_number and supplier_number dependant on the Supplier field from the AR_Codes table thinking it would fill theese fields as the Brand autofills the Supplier from the Products table.

What happend after build is in mobile version it sometimes works and sometimes the data flashes then dissappears.

It seems as if the signal strength is not that well it will not always fill the fields.

On desktop browsers the data holds. Also tried to autofill from supplier fied but same issue.
Is this just not possible to use different tables with dependant dropdowns and if so can someone give me an example of

an sql statement that I could use in a button to grab all the codes from my AR_Codes table and update the Products table with new fields ( vendor_number and supplier_number and drop into my Supplier_Data table with the matching Supplier fields in each table. That is I guess the only other way to get dependant dropdowns to work as in manual using only one table with autofill and dependants.

Update: Also tried another view with joined tables; Inner Join specifically but cannot seem to get it to populate at all.

Update: was thinking of using import feature - before insert but can't seem to come up with sql to get the data from ar_codes and insert it into Product table upon import. Cannot be done manually as there are thousands of Brands in the product table.

admin 11/12/2014

Unfortunately I wasn't able to decipher this. Probably it will be easier to understand looking at the live application.
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