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HELP HELP Exporting Timeout 0113 Error

11/2/2012 9:39:21 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
lucasp author

I am exporting records out the database that are created from my ASPRUNNER GUI Frontend on a Server 2008 R2 box, hosted via IIS 7, using ASPRUNNER Enterprise 7.1 (Build 12662).
I am exporting a small quanities of around 200 records it works fine. If I try to export around 1000 or higher, the server seems to time-out after 5/10 minutes an either IE will saying 'Connection has been reset' when exporting into an Excel format or If I choose to export my 30000 records to CSV the file contains around 1800 records but with an error at the bottom of it
'<p>Active Server Pages</font> <font face="Arial" size=2>error 'ASP 0113'</font>' ??? <font face="Arial" size=2>The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.
After some testing when it goes to download an xls from the server it normally stops on 187 or 197KB.. is there a 200kb file limit setting, although the CSV is 1.19mb? i've set the 'Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit' to 40000. ? Response Buffering Limit '10194304' and Script Time-out '21:01:30' I have made sure that 'Server.ScriptTimeout=10000' is set on my export page..and still not working??
I have made sure that the ASP script timeout is set as high as possible (dangerous I know but just testing)? Not sure what else it could be?

admin 11/4/2012

If this is something that can be reproduced on Demo Account - we can troubleshoot this. Unfortunately we cannot help if this is some sort of issue with web server configuration.