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Have User See only their information

10/20/2003 10:20:28 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

How would I set up ASPRunner so that when my user's log-in they only see their information?
User logs in using: UserName: wbwillson

Password: xxxxx
In the users table I have another field attached called SSN
When the user logs-in, I want them to only be able to see the records in the table "Personnel" that have the same SSN as theirs. Any ideas?

admin 10/20/2003

this need to be done manually. I can do this code adjustment for you for free (we provide code enhansments for free to our customers).
You can zip and send me the whole content of ASPRunner's output folder including some part of your database. Send it to support AT
Best regards,

Sergey Kornilov