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October 4, 2012. PHPRunner 6.2/ASPRunnerPro 7.2 beta

10/4/2012 5:03:34 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

October 4, 2012. PHPRunner 6.2/ASPRunnerPro 7.2 beta, build 13191
Download links:
A full list of new features in this beta:
Fixed in this update

  • many IE8 related issues
  • fixed email sending error (ASP only)
  • fixed syntax highlighting in Event editor
  • fixed issue with image gallery on the list page (images fill the screen until they have all loaded and then they reduce to the size of the single image)
  • fixed links to uploaded files in compatibility mode
  • fixed files deletion issue in compatibility mode
    Added new View as plugin - QRCode. You can make any field (makes sense for URLs) display as a QRCode. More info on what QR codes are.
    Right now there is a minor bug in this plugin - QR code will be displayed twice on the View page. We'll fix this in the next update.