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September 28, 2012. PHPRunner 6.2/ASPRunnerPro 7.2 beta

9/28/2012 2:10:49 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

September 28, 2012. PHPRunner 6.2/ASPRunnerPro 7.2 beta, build 13095
Download links:
A full list of new features in this beta:
Fixed in this update

  • lookup wizard in MS Access with Advanced security turned on
  • fixed XLSX files import in ASPRunnerPro
  • fixed login issue when login table has ORDER BY clause in SQL query
  • fixed MIME type definition for images uploaded via Internet Explorer
  • fixed datatypes in MS Access 'Modify table' dialog
  • fixed 'resize image after upload' option