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April 25, 2012. PHPRunner 6.1/ASPRunnerPro 7.1 released

4/25/2012 12:41:30 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

We are glad to announce PHPRunner 6.1/ASPRunnerPro 7.1 release.
[size="3"]Upgrade info[/size]
Customers who purchased PHPRunner or ASPRunnerPro less than one year ago will get PHPrunner 6.1 and ASPRunnerPro 7.1 as a free upgrade. If you haven't received your upgrade key yet feel free contact us at sending your order number.
New customers

Buy now links:


Upgrading customers

If you purchased ASPRunnerPro or PHPRunner more than one year ago proceed to


Consider upgrading to Enterprise Edition that comes with Web report/chart builder, Active Directory support and built-in data encryption.
Trial version download link
[size="3"]List of all new features in PHPRunner 6.1/ASPRunnerPro 7.1:[/size]
Watch What's new in PHPRunner6.1/ASPRunnerPro7.1 video.

  1. Different field settings on Edit/Add/Search/View/List pages
  2. Data encryption (Enterprise Edition feature)
  3. Active Directory support (Enterprise Edition feature)
  4. Style Edittor update: customize tabbed panels, new styles and color schemes
  5. Lookup wizard enhancements:
    • use Custom View as a source of Lookup wizard
    • Advanced Security settings are applied to Lookup wizard (View own data only etc)

  6. Facebook connect integration (Login via Facebook)
  7. Masked Edit ('Edit as' control property)
  8. Switch to Google Maps v3 API
  9. A number of updates related to SQL/PHP/Javascript API. Proceed to 'Advanced->Programming topics' section in the manual and check Control object, RunnerPage object, Page class, SearchController object and SQLQuery class.
  10. An option to create a copy of existing custom views, reports and charts
  11. Scrollable grids on the list page
    To turn on this feature proceed to 'Choose pages' screen, click '...' button next to 'List page' and check off 'Scroll table data' check box.
    Live demo:
  12. Option to insert a button into the grid and get access to grid data.
    Check this live demo:
    Here is the ClientBefore code that powers 'Do it' button:

var val1 = rowData.fields['Amount'].text();

var val2 = rowData.fields['Deposit'].text();

alert('Amount: ' + val1 + ', Deposit: ' + val2);

[size="3"]Other updates[/size]
We have also posted Survey template and Templates pack for ASPRunnerPro 7.1 and PHPRunner 6.1
Templates pack for ASPRunnerPro 7.1:
Templates pack for PHPRunner 6.1:
Survey template for ASPRunnerPro 7.1:
Survey template for PHPRunner 6.1:
We are also working on ASPRunner.NET update. You can expect to see it later this year.