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Readonly Graphics

9/29/2005 11:48:22 PM
PHPRunner General questions
little44236 author

Is there any way to get the "readonly" option for editing pages to show a graphic image rather than the file name?

admin 9/30/2005

set View as - File-based image format, Edit as - Document upload format for your field on the Formattingtab (Step8) in PHPRunner.
Open generated ..._edit.php file by any text editor.

Find this code snippet (where Imageis your field name):

echo BuildEditControl("Image",$value,GetEditFormat("Image"),MODE_EDIT);

echo GetLegendIcon("Image");

and replace it with this one:

echo GetData($rs,$data,"Image", Format("Image"));

little44236 author 9/30/2005

Thanks, worked great. It would be a good option to add for read only files.
Any way to change the "Edit" button to "Approve" just for this table?

admin 10/3/2005

Thank you for sharing your idea.
Here is the line in ..._list.php file, where you can replace Edit with Approve.

return false;" >Edit</a>