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12/18/2011 8:08:49 PM
Calendar Template general questions
mrl40 author

I'm getting this error when I try to login (I've set up calender module to link in with my own database)
"You don't have permissions to access this table

Proceed to Admin Area to set up user permissions"
When i go into the admin area there is no sign of the calender tables to allow me to select them for access
On Login form when i take off the redirect to calender page , i can go in ok but i cannot see any of the calender options, but i can work away on the rest of the database.


admin 12/19/2011

make sure you doing a full build and full upload after adding Calendar tables to your project.
If this doesn't help post your application to Demo Account and open a ticket at sending your Demo Account URL. 'Demo Account' button can be found on the last screen in the program.