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 Two Search Feilds on Main list

9/14/2005 2:49:48 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
customcode author

Hi Sergey, I would like to add one additional box to the front page. I don't want the user to have to go into advanced. I would like to have a user enter the assetID in one box and type the text of the part in the original search box. Example: User searches for a water pump for assetid 6750
The user will be doing the same thing all day, therefore I want to avoid flipping back and forth. Here is the code thx
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<link REL="stylesheet" href="include/style.css" type="text/css">
If Session("UserID")="" then

Session("MyURL")=request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?" & request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

Response.Redirect "login.asp?message=expired"

End If

if CheckSecurity("", "Add")<>True and CheckSecurity("", "Search")<>True Then

Response.Write "<p>" & MultilangMessage("NO_PERMISSIONS") & "<a href=""login.asp"">" & MultilangMessage("BACK_TO_LOGIN") & "</a></p>"


end if
<!--#include file="include/languages.asp"-->

<!--#include file="include/jsvariables.asp"-->

<% Call DefineScriptMessages %>
<!--#include file="include/maintenance_variables.asp"-->

<!--#include file="include/maintenance_aspfunctions.asp"-->

Session(strTableName & "_ListURL")=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?" & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

if InStr(Session(strTableName & "_ListURL"), "action=OrderBy&")>0 then

Session(strTableName & "_ListURL") = Replace(Session(strTableName & "ListURL"), "action=OrderBy&", "action=none&" )

end if
Session.LCID = 1033
Dim rs, dbConnection
strOrderBy="" : strOrderImage="" : strDir="" : strOrderByClause = ""

Call CalculateOrderBy
if Request("action")="" then

Session(strTableName & "SQL")=""

Session(strTableName & "MasterKey")=""

end if
strMasterKey = Request("masterkey")

if strMasterKey="" then

strMasterKey = Session(strTableName & "MasterKey")

end if

Session(strTableName & "MasterKey") = strMasterKey
if Request("action")="language" then

Session("Language") = Request("lang")

Response.CharSet = "Windows-" & MultilangCodepage()

Session.CodePage = CInt(MultilangCodepage())

end if

if TargetPageNumber="" or Request("action")="search" then

if Request("PageSize")<>"" then

Session("PageSize") = Request("PageSize")

end if

if Session("PageSize")<>"" then PageSize = Session("PageSize")
' delete record(s)

if (Request("mdelete")<>"") then
On Error Resume Next

set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection


Call ReportError

On Error GoTo 0
for i=1 to Request("mdelete").count

ind = CLng(Request("mdelete")(i))

strSQL="delete from " & strTableName &

" where " & AddWrappers(strKeyField) & "=" & gstrQuote & Replace(Request("mdelete1")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote

if strKeyField2<>"" then

strSQL = strSQL & " and " & AddWrappers(strKeyField2) & "=" & gstrQuote2 & Replace(Request("mdelete2")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote2

if strKeyField3<>"" then

strSQL = strSQL & " and " & AddWrappers(strKeyField3) & "=" & gstrQuote3 & Replace(Request("mdelete3")(ind), "'", "''") & gstrQuote3
On Error Resume Next


dbConnection.Execute strSQL

Call ReportError

On Error Goto 0


set dbConnection = nothing

end if
if Request("action")<>"Search" and Request("action")<>"AdvancedSearch" and Len(Session(strTableName & "SQL"))>3 then

strSQL=Session(strTableName & "SQL")


if gstrSQL="" then

strSQL="select * from " & strTableName


strSQL = gstrSQL

end if
' see if we have some search parameters

' regular search

if Request("action")="Search" and ( Request("SearchFor")<>"" or Request("SearchOption")="IsNull") then


if Request("SearchField")<>"AnyField" then

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or (IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, Request("SearchField")))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, Request("SearchField")))) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere(Request("SearchField"), strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then

strAdd = sRet


strAdd = "1=0"

end if

end if


strAdd = "1=0"
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceID"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceID")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("MaintenanceID", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AssetID"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AssetID")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("AssetID", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AppointmentDate"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AppointmentDate")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("AppointmentDate", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AppointmentTime"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "AppointmentTime")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("AppointmentTime", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceDate"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceDate")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("MaintenanceDate", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "ReturnTime"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "ReturnTime")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("ReturnTime", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "OdoReading"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "OdoReading")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("OdoReading", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "PONum"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "PONum")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("PONum", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "CreditNum"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "CreditNum")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("CreditNum", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "WONum"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "WONum")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("WONum", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "RepairRequest"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "RepairRequest")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("RepairRequest", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceDescription"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "MaintenanceDescription")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("MaintenanceDescription", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "LocationID"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "LocationID")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("LocationID", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "DivisionComments"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "DivisionComments")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("DivisionComments", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "VendorComments"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "VendorComments")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("VendorComments", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "Status"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "Status")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("Status", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "Division"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "Division")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("Division", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "City"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "City")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("City", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or ( IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, "WarrCreditID"))="True" and IsSortableField(GetFieldType(strTableName, "WarrCreditID")) ) or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere("WarrCreditID", strSearchFor, strSearchOption, "", "Basic")

if sRet<>"" then strAdd = strAdd & " or " & sRet

end if
end if

strSQL = AddWhere(strSQL, strAdd)

end if
' advanced search

if Request("action")="AdvancedSearch" then


For i = 1 To Request("FieldName").Count

sFieldName = Request("FieldName")(i)
" & strTableName & "" & Request("FieldName")(i)) = Request("SearchOption")(i)

' listbox with multiple selection

if Request(sFieldName).Count>1 then

" & strTableName & "" & Request("FieldName")(i)) = ""

sAdd=" ("

sSaved = ""

for k=1 to Request(sFieldName).Count


if sSaved <> "" then sSaved = sSaved & ","

sSaved = sSaved & strSearchFor

if IsNumeric(strSearchFor) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, Request("FieldName")(i)))="True" or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere(Request("FieldName")(i), strSearchFor, strSearchOption, strSearchFor2, "Advanced")

if sRet<>"" then

sAdd = sAdd & sRet

if k<Request(sFieldName).Count then sAdd = sAdd & " or "

end if

end if


Session("SearchFor1" & strTableName & "" & Request("FieldName")(i)) = sSaved

sAdd = sAdd & ") "

if sWhere="" then sWhere="1=1"

sWhere = sWhere & " and " & sAdd



strSearchFor2=Trim(Request(sFieldName & "999"))

" & strTableName & "" & Request("FieldName")(i)) = strSearchFor

" & strTableName & "" & Request("FieldName")(i)) = strSearchFor2
if strSearchFor<>"" or Request("SearchOption")(i)="IsNull" then

if sWhere="" then sWhere="1=1"


if (IsNumeric(strSearchFor) and (strSearchFor2="" or IsNumeric(strSearchFor2))) or IfNeedQuotes(GetFieldType(strTableName, Request("FieldName")(i)))="True" or

strSearchOption="Contains" or strSearchOption="Starts with ..." then

sRet = StrWhere(Request("FieldName")(i), strSearchFor, strSearchOption, strSearchFor2, "Advanced")

if sRet<>"" then sWhere = sWhere & " and " & sRet

end if

end if

end if

strSQL = AddWhere(strSQL, sWhere)

end if
end if
if strMasterKey <> "" then

n1 = InStr(LCase(strSQL), " where ")

n2 = InStr(LCase(strSQL), " order by ")

n3 = InStr(strSQL, "`AssetID` = " & strMasterKey)

if n3 = 0 then

if n1>0 then

if n2>0 then

strSQL = Left(strSQL,n1) & " where (" + Mid(strSQL, n1 + len(" where "), n2-n1-len(" where ")) + ") and `AssetID` = " & strMasterKey & Mid(strSQL, n2 )


strSQL = Left(strSQL,n1) & " where (" + Mid(strSQL, n1 + len(" where ")) & ") and `AssetID` = " & strMasterKey

end if


if n2>0 then

strSQL = Left(strSQL,n2) & " where `AssetID` = " & strMasterKey & Mid(strSQL, n2 )


strSQL = strSQL & " where `AssetID` = " & strMasterKey

end if

end if

end if

end if
' order by

if Request("action")<>"Search" and Request("action")<>"AdvancedSearch" and Len(Session(strTableName & "SQL"))>3 then

if strOrderBy<>"" then

if InStr(1, LCase(strSQL), "order by")>0 then

strSQL = Left(strSQL, InStr(1, LCase(strSQL), "order by")-1) & strOrderByClause


strSQL = strSQL & strOrderByClause

end if

end if


strSQL = strSQL & strOrderByClause

end if
Session(strTableName & "SQL") = strSQL




Response.Write("<body topmargin=5 bgcolor=white")

if Request.Form<>"" or Request.QueryString<>"" then Response.Write(" onLoad=""if (document.frmAdmin.SearchFor != null) document.frmAdmin.SearchFor.focus();""")


<!-- log out form -->

<form name=logout method=GET action="login.asp">

<input type=hidden name=action value="logout">

<!-- edit form -->

<form method="GET" action="maintenance_edit.asp" name="editform">

<input type=hidden id="editid" name="editid" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="editid2" name="editid2" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="editid3" name="editid3" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value=<%=TargetPageNumber%>>

<input type=hidden id="todo" name="todo" value="view">

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">

<form method="GET" action="maintenance_add.asp" name="copyform">

<input type=hidden id="copyid" name="copyid" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="copyid2" name="copyid2" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="copyid3" name="copyid3" value="" >

<input type=hidden id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value=<%=TargetPageNumber%>>

<input type=hidden id="todo" name="todo" value="copy">

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">


' Pagination: Control Variables

dim iNumberOfRows

dim maxRecords

dim maxpages

dim mypage

iNumberOfRows =0

maxRecords = 0

maxpages = 0

mypage = TargetPageNumber

if mypage = "" then mypage =1

if CDBL(mypage)<=0 then mypage =1

<% Session(strTableName & "MasterSQL")= strSQL %>

<form method="get" action="" name="details">

<input type=hidden id="masterTargetPageNumber" name="masterTargetPageNumber" value="<%=Request("TargetPageNumber")%>" >

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="">

<% if strMasterKey<>"" then %>

<table><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td><td><p><%= MultilangMessage("MASTER") %>: [service]</p></td></tr></table>

<table rows='1' cols='1' align='center' width='98%' border='0'>

<tr><td align="right">


<TR><TD BGCOLOR=black align=center>

<table border=0 width=100% CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=1>

strMasterSQL = "select `AssetID`, `StatusID`, `Attachment`, `DepartmentID`, `CustomerID`, `NxtDryDate`, `NxtWetDate`, `LastWetDate`, `NxtSerType`, `Odometer`, `NxtDryOdo`, `NxtWetOdo`, `ServiceThres`, `DayThres`, `SafetyDate`, `ReeferThres`, `NxtReeferWet`, `CurrReeferHrs`, `LastWetKM`, `KmAdjust`, `ReeferWetDate`, `IsHtrRfr`, `NoWet`, `Last_CurrServDate` From `service` where `AssetID` =" & strMasterKey

set rsMaster = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection
On Error Resume Next


Call ReportError

LogInfo(strMasterSQL) strMasterSQL, dbConnection

Call ReportError

On Error Goto 0
Call DisplayMasterTableInfo(rsMaster)

set rsMaster=Nothing


set dbConnection = nothing



<%end if%>

<td width=30>&nbsp;</td>

<td align=center>

<font size=+0><b>Table:&nbsp;<%=Replace("maintenance", " ", "&nbsp;")%></b></font>

</td><td width=50 align=center>
<td width=80% align=center>
<table align='center' border='0'>


<td width=10>&nbsp;</td>

if strMasterKey<>"" then

if Session(AddWrappers("service") & "_ListURL")="" then

sHref = "service_list.asp"


sHref = Session(AddWrappers("service") & "_ListURL")

end if

Response.write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""" & sHref & """>" & MultilangMessage("BACK_TO_MASTER") & "</a>


end if


If Session("UserID")<>"" Then


<td align=center><%= MultilangMessage("LOGGED_AS") %> <b><%=Session("UserID")%></b> &nbsp;

<a href="#" onclick="document.forms.logout.submit();return true;"><%= MultilangMessage("LOG_OUT") %></a>

</td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td>

<% End If %>
<td align=center>&nbsp;

<a href="changepwd.asp"><%= MultilangMessage("CHANGE_PASSWORD") %></a>

</td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td>
<td align=center><%= MultilangMessage("LANGUAGE") %>&nbsp;<select name="language"

onchange="java script: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value='language';

frmAdmin.lang.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; frmAdmin.submit();">


dim arrLanguages

arrLanguages = GetListOfLanguages()
for ind=lbound(arrLanguages) to ubound(arrLanguages)

lang = arrLanguages(ind)

Response.Write "<option value=""" & lang & """"

if lang=GetCurrentLanguage() then Response.Write " selected"

Response.Write ">" & lang & "</option>"



</td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td>
<td align=center><span class="jump"><%= MultilangMessage("QUICK_JUMP") %>:</span></td>

<td align=center>

<select onchange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

<option value="menu.asp"><%= MultilangMessage("BACK_TO_MENU") %></option>


dim tables


for ind=lbound(tables) to ubound(tables)

response.write "<option value=""" & GetShortTableName(tables(ind)) & "_list.asp"""

if tables(ind)=RemoveWrappers(strTableName) then Response.Write " selected"

Response.Write ">" & GetTableCaption(tables(ind)) & "</option>" & vbcrlf




<td width=20>&nbsp;</td>
<% if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then %>

<td align=center>

<a href="maintenance_search.asp" onClick="document.advsearch.submit();return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("ADVANCED_SEARCH") %></a>

</td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td>

<% end if %>
<% if CheckSecurity("", "Export")=True then %>
<td align=center>

<a href="maintenance_export.asp" onClick="document.exportto.submit();return false;"><%= MultilangMessage("EXPORT_RESULTS") %></a>

</td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td>
<td align=center>

<a href="maintenance_print.asp" onClick="document.printerfriendly.submit();return false;">

<img src="images/printer.gif" border=0></a>


<td align=center>

<a href="maintenance_print.asp" onClick="document.printerfriendly.submit();return false;">

<%= MultilangMessage("PRINTER_FRIENDLY") %></a>


<td width=20>&nbsp;</td>
<% end if %>

<span id=pwait><p align=center><%= MultilangMessage("PLEASE_WAIT") %> ...</p></span>
<%' Control Functions %>

<form method="get" action="" name="frmAdmin">
<input type="hidden" id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value="1" >

<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="Search">

<input type="hidden" id="lang" name="lang" value="">

<input type="hidden" id="orderby" name="orderby" value="<%=strOrderBy%>">

<input type="hidden" id="dir" name="dir" value="<%=strDir%>">

<input type="hidden" id="PageSize" name="PageSize" value="<%=Session("PageSize")%>">

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">
<script language="JavaScript" src="include/jsfunctions.js"></script>


var bSelected=false;

function GotoPage(nPageNumber)


document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'goto';

document.forms.frmAdmin.TargetPageNumber.value = nPageNumber;





set rs = setupRs(strConnection,strSQL,PageSize)
Call ReportError
Set FieldsList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

for i=0 to rs.Fields.Count-1

FieldsList.Add rs.Fields(i).Name, CStr(i+1)


<script language="JavaScript">


<% if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then %>
<%' Pagination: Write Search result Header%>

<table rows='1' cols='1' align='center' width='95%' border='0'>

<tr><td align="right">

<TR><TD BGCOLOR=black align=center>
<table border=0 width=100% CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=1><tr valign=center>
<% if CheckSecurity("", "Add")=True then %>

<!-- Add new record -->

<td align=center class='shade'>

<a href=maintenance_add.asp

onClick="java script: document.forms.editform.action='maintenance_add.asp';

document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'add';

document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>; document.forms.editform.submit(); return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("ADD_NEW") %></a>


<% end if %>
<!-- Search form -->

<td align=center valign=middle class=shade>

<b><%= MultilangMessage("SEARCH_FOR") %>: </b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<SELECT ID="SearchField" NAME="SearchField" SIZE="1">

<OPTION VALUE="AnyField"><%= MultilangMessage("ANY_FIELD") %></option>
<OPTION VALUE="MaintenanceID"><%=Label("MaintenanceID")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="AssetID"><%=Label("AssetID")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="AppointmentDate"><%=Label("AppointmentDate")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="AppointmentTime"><%=Label("AppointmentTime")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="MaintenanceDate"><%=Label("MaintenanceDate")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="ReturnTime"><%=Label("ReturnTime")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="OdoReading"><%=Label("OdoReading")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="PONum"><%=Label("PONum")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="CreditNum"><%=Label("CreditNum")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="WONum"><%=Label("WONum")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="RepairRequest"><%=Label("RepairRequest")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="MaintenanceDescription"><%=Label("MaintenanceDescription")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="LocationID"><%=Label("LocationID")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="DivisionComments"><%=Label("DivisionComments")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="VendorComments"><%=Label("VendorComments")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="Status"><%=Label("Status")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="Division"><%=Label("Division")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="City"><%=Label("City")%></option>
<OPTION VALUE="WarrCreditID"><%=Label("WarrCreditID")%></option>
<SELECT ID="SearchOption" NAME="SearchOption" SIZE="1">

<OPTION VALUE="Contains"><%= MultilangMessage("CONTAINS") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="Equals"><%= MultilangMessage("EQUALS") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="Starts with ..."><%= MultilangMessage("STARTS_WITH") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="More than ..."><%= MultilangMessage("MORE_THAN") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="Less than ..."><%= MultilangMessage("LESS_THAN") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="Equal or more than ..."><%= MultilangMessage("EQUAL_OR_MORE") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="Equal or less than ..."><%= MultilangMessage("EQUAL_OR_LESS") %></option>

<OPTION VALUE="IsNull"><%= MultilangMessage("EMPTY") %></option>


if Request("action")="Search" then

var i;

for (i=0; i<document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchOption.options.length; ++i)


if (document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchOption.options[i].value=='<%=Request("SearchOption")%>')





for (i=0; i<document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchField.options.length; ++i)


if (document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchField.options[i].value=='<%=Request("SearchField")%>')







end if

<input type=text size=20 name=SearchFor value="<%if Request("action")="Search" then Response.Write Request("SearchFor")%>">

<input type=button class=button name="SearchButton" value="<%= MultilangMessage("SEARCH") %>"

onClick="java script: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'Search';


<input type=button class=button value="<%= MultilangMessage("SHOW_ALL") %>"

onClick="java script: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'Search';

document.forms.frmAdmin.SearchFor.value=''; document.forms.frmAdmin.submit();">
<!-- How many records found-->

<td align=center class=shade>

<%= MultilangMessage("DETAILS_FOUND") %>: <%=maxRecords%>
<%= MultilangMessage("PAGE1") %>&nbsp;<%=mypage%>&nbsp;<%= MultilangMessage("PAGE2") %>&nbsp;<%=maxpages%>

<td align=center class=shade width=100>

<!--Records per page-->

<%= MultilangMessage("RECORDS_PP") %>
<SELECT name=PageSizeSelect onChange="java script: document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value='pagesize'; document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSize.value = document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSizeSelect.options[document.forms.frmAdmin.PageSizeS


<OPTION value=10 <%if session("pagesize")=10 then Response.Write " selected"%>>10

<OPTION value=20 <%if session("pagesize")=20 then Response.Write " selected"%>>20

<OPTION value=30 <%if session("pagesize")=30 then Response.Write " selected"%>>30

<OPTION value=50 <%if session("pagesize")=50 then Response.Write " selected"%>>50

<OPTION value=100 <%if session("pagesize")=100 then Response.Write " selected"%>>100

<OPTION value=500 <%if session("pagesize")=500 then Response.Write " selected"%>>500

<script language="JavaScript">DisplayHeader();</script>
<% else %>
<% if CheckSecurity("", "Add")=True then %>

<!-- Add new record -->

<td align=center class='shade'>

<a href=maintenance_add.asp

onClick="java script: document.forms.editform.action='maintenance_add.asp';

document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'add';

document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>; document.forms.editform.submit(); return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("ADD_NEW") %></a>


<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if not rs.eof then %>
<% if CheckSecurity(Session("OwnerID"), "Delete")=True then %>


<a href=# onClick = "var i; bSelected = !bSelected; for (i=0;i<document.forms.deleteform.mdelete.length;++i) document.forms.deleteform.mdelete[i].checked=bSelected;"><%= MultilangMessage("SELECT") %></a>


<a href="#" onClick="if (confirm('<%= MultilangMessage("DELETE_CONFIRM") %>')) { document.forms.deleteform.submit(); return false; } else {return true;}"><%= MultilangMessage("DELETE_SELECTED") %></a>

<% end if %>
end if
' quotes for search and edit fields

for i=0 to rs.Fields.Count-1


' Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(rs.Fields(i).Name) & " value=" & strNeedQuotes & ">" & vbCRLF

if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField or rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField2 or rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField3 then


<script language="JavaScript">

// document.forms.editform.NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(rs.Fields(i).Name)%>.value = "<%=strNeedQuotes%>";


if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote=GetQuote(strTableName, rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote="" end if end if

if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField2 then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote2=GetQuote(strTableName, rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote2="" end if end if

if rs.Fields(i).Name=strKeyField3 then if strNeedQuotes="True" then gstrQuote3=GetQuote(strTableName, rs.Fields(i).Name) else gstrQuote3="" end if end if

end if


Session(strTableName & "_gstrQuote")=gstrQuote

Session(strTableName & "_gstrQuote2")=gstrQuote2

Session(strTableName & "_gstrQuote3")=gstrQuote3

<!-- advanced search form -->

<form name=advsearch method=GET action="maintenance_search.asp">

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">
<!-- export to form -->

<form target=_blank name=exportto method=GET action="maintenance_export.asp">

<input type=hidden id=mypage name=mypage value=<%=CStr(TargetPageNumber)%>>

<input type=hidden id=pagesize name=pagesize value=<%=CStr(PageSize)%>>

<!-- printer-friendly form -->

<form target=_blank name=printerfriendly method=GET action="maintenance_print.asp">

<input type=hidden id=mypage name=mypage value=<%=CStr(TargetPageNumber)%>>

<input type=hidden id=pagesize name=pagesize value=<%=CStr(PageSize)%>>

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">

<!-- delete form -->

<form method="post" action="maintenance_list.asp" name="deleteform">

<input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=strMasterKey%>">

<input type=hidden id="action" name="action" value="delete">

<input type="hidden" id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value=<%=TargetPageNumber%> >
<table align='center' width='95%' border='0' cellpadding=3 cellspacing=2>

if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then
if rs.eof then

Response.Write "<p>&nbsp;</p><p align=center><b>" & MultilangMessage("NO_RECORDS") & "</b></p>"

call WriteTableHeader
call loopRs(rs, CLng(PageSize))

end if
end if



Set rs = Nothing



<% if CheckSecurity("", "Search")=True then %>

<script language="JavaScript">WritePagination(<%=mypage%>,<%=maxpages%>);</script>

<% end if %>


function setupRs(strConnection,strSQL,nPageSize)
Set setupRs = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
if GetDatabaseType()=DATABASE_MySQL or GetDatabaseType()=DATABASE_Oracle then setupRs.CursorLocation = 3
set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection
On Error Resume Next


Call ReportError
LogInfo(strSQL) strSQL,dbConnection, 1, 2

Call ReportError

On Error Goto 0
' Pagination:

if NOT setupRs.EOF then
maxRecords = cdbl(setupRs.RecordCount)

maxpages = maxRecords \ nPageSize

if maxRecords mod nPageSize > 0 then maxpages =maxpages +1
if cdbl(mypage) > cdbl(maxpages) then mypage = maxpages


if nPageSize (mypage-1) > 0 then setupRs.Move nPageSize (mypage-1)

End IF
end function
sub WriteTableHeader


<tr CLASS="blackshade" valign=top>
<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_edit.gif></td>
<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_copy.gif></td>
<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_view.gif></td>
<TD align=center><img src=images/icon_delete.gif></td>

<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("AssetID").Type) then

Response.Write Label("AssetID") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("AssetID")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("AssetID")%>



if (Request("orderby")="AssetID" or FieldsList("AssetID")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("MaintenanceDate").Type) then

Response.Write Label("MaintenanceDate") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("MaintenanceDate")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("MaintenanceDate")%>



if (Request("orderby")="MaintenanceDate" or FieldsList("MaintenanceDate")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("WONum").Type) then

Response.Write Label("WONum") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("WONum")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("WONum")%>



if (Request("orderby")="WONum" or FieldsList("WONum")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("RepairRequest").Type) then

Response.Write Label("RepairRequest") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("RepairRequest")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("RepairRequest")%>



if (Request("orderby")="RepairRequest" or FieldsList("RepairRequest")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("MaintenanceDescription").Type) then

Response.Write Label("MaintenanceDescription") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("MaintenanceDescription")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("MaintenanceDescription")%>



if (Request("orderby")="MaintenanceDescription" or FieldsList("MaintenanceDescription")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("DivisionComments").Type) then

Response.Write Label("DivisionComments") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("DivisionComments")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("DivisionComments")%>



if (Request("orderby")="DivisionComments" or FieldsList("DivisionComments")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("VendorComments").Type) then

Response.Write Label("VendorComments") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("VendorComments")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("VendorComments")%>



if (Request("orderby")="VendorComments" or FieldsList("VendorComments")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("LocationID").Type) then

Response.Write Label("LocationID") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("LocationID")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("LocationID")%>



if (Request("orderby")="LocationID" or FieldsList("LocationID")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("Status").Type) then

Response.Write Label("Status") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenance_list.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("Status")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("Status")%>



if (Request("orderby")="Status" or FieldsList("Status")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if



<table><tr><td class=blackshade>

<% if not IsSortableField(rs.Fields("WarrCreditID").Type) then

Response.Write Label("WarrCreditID") & "</td>"



<a class=blackshade href="maintenancelist.asp" onClick="java script:

document.forms.frmAdmin.action.value = 'OrderBy';

document.forms.frmAdmin.orderby.value = '<%=FieldsList("WarrCreditID")%>';

document.forms.frmAdmin.submit(); return false; "><%=Label("WarrCreditID")%>



if (Request("orderby")="WarrCreditID" or FieldsList("WarrCreditID")=Request("orderby")) and strOrderImage<>"" then

Response.Write "<td><img src=images/" & strOrderImage & " border=0></td>"

end if
end if




end sub
' display table with results

sub loopRs(rs,nPageSize)
' Pagination:

dim iShadeTheDetail, iNumberOfRows, nColumns

iNumberOfRows = 0



if isObject(rs) then

' Pagination: UNTIL iNumberOfRows>=maxrecs

DO UNTIL rs.eof OR iNumberOfRows>=nPageSize
' To insure that every other one is shaded

If iShadeTheDetail = 0 then

sShadeClass = "class=shade"

iShadeTheDetail = 1


sShadeClass = ""

iShadeTheDetail = 0

End If


<tr valign=top
<%=sShadeClass%> onmouseover="rowRollover(<%=iNumberOfRows%>, 1);" onmouseout="rowRollover(<%=iNumberOfRows%>, 0);" id="tr
<%=iNumberOfRows%>" >
<td align=center>


nColumns = nColumns + 1

strOwnerID = RemoveWrappers("``")

if strOwnerID<>"" then strOwnerID = rs(strOwnerID)

if CheckSecurity(strOwnerID, "Edit")=True then


<a href="maintenance_edit.asp"

onClick="java script: document.forms.editform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>;

document.forms.editform.editid.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField))%>';

<% if strKeyField2<>"" then %>

document.forms.editform.editid2.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField2))%>';

<% end if %>

<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>

document.forms.editform.editid3.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField3))%>';

<% end if %>

document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'view';document.forms.editform.submit();

return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("EDIT") %></a>

<% end if %>

<td align=center>


nColumns = nColumns + 1

strOwnerID = RemoveWrappers("``")

if strOwnerID<>"" then strOwnerID = rs(strOwnerID)

if CheckSecurity(strOwnerID, "Add")=True then


<a href="maintenance_add.asp"

onClick="java script: document.forms.copyform.TargetPageNumber.value=<%=mypage%>;

document.forms.copyform.copyid.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField))%>';

<% if strKeyField2<>"" then %>

document.forms.copyform.copyid2.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField2))%>';

<% end if %>

<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>

document.forms.copyform.copyid3.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField3))%>';

<% end if %>

document.forms.copyform.todo.value = 'copy';document.forms.copyform.submit();

return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("COPY") %></a>

<% end if %>

<td align=center>

<a href="maintenance_view.asp"

onClick="java script: document.forms.editform.action='maintenance_view.asp';


document.forms.editform.editid.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField))%>';


nColumns = nColumns + 1

if strKeyField2<>"" then %>

document.forms.editform.editid2.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField2))%>';

<% end if %>

<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>

document.forms.editform.editid3.value = '<%=EscapeQuotes(rs(strKeyField3))%>';

<% end if %>

document.forms.editform.todo.value = 'readonly';document.forms.editform.submit();

return false;" ><%= MultilangMessage("VIEW") %></a>

<td align=center valign=middle>


nColumns = nColumns + 1
strOwnerID = RemoveWrappers("``")

if strOwnerID<>"" then strOwnerID = rs(strOwnerID)

if CheckSecurity(strOwnerID, "Delete")=True then %>
<input type=checkbox name=mdelete value=<%=nDelete%>>
<input type=hidden name=mdelete1 value="<%=rs(strKeyField)%>">

<% if strKeyField2<>"" then %>

<input type=hidden name=mdelete2 value="<%=rs(strKeyField2)%>">

<% end if %>

<% if strKeyField3<>"" then %>

<input type=hidden name=mdelete3 value="<%=rs(strKeyField3)%>">

<% end if

nDelete = nDelete + 1




end if

<td align=center>


nColumns = nColumns + 1

strQuote = GetQuote(strTableName, "`AssetID`")


<a href="assetinfo_list.asp" onClick = "document.forms.details.action='assetinfo_list.asp';document.forms.details.masterkey.value='<%=EscapeQuotes(strQuote & rs(RemoveWrappers("`AssetID`")) & strQuote)%>'; document.forms.details.submit();return false;">



<td align=center>


nColumns = nColumns + 1

strQuote = GetQuote(strTableName, "`AssetID`")


<a href="service_list.asp" onClick = "document.forms.details.action='service_list.asp';document.forms.details.masterkey.value='<%=EscapeQuotes(strQuote & rs(RemoveWrappers("`AssetID`")) & strQuote)%>'; document.forms.details.submit();return false;">




if IsBinaryField(rs.Fields("AssetID")) or Format("AssetID")=FORMAT_DATABASE_FILE then

Response.Write CreateImageControl(rs, "AssetID", "")


strData = GetData(rs.Fields("AssetID"), "")

Sergey Kornilov 9/14/2005

Not sure what I gonna do with this bunch of code.
Basically you need to copy and paste part of code that displays required search box from advanced search page to the list page. Make sure you also copying hidden fields as well. Basic search page should act a advanced search page after that.
The following line:

<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="Search">

should be replaced with this one:

<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="AdvancedSearch">

You need to play with it to make it working properly.