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November 24, 2011. PHPRunner 6/ASPRunnerPro 7 maintenance release

11/24/2011 1:13:38 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log

ASPRunnerPro 7/PHPRunner 6

Build 9948
Download links:
In this update:

  • fixed crash related to Visual Editor eidting
  • fixed issue with output directory on network share
  • added a new layout with horizontal/vertical menu on Add/Edit/View pages. For instance, to add a menu to the Edit page proceed to Style Editor, choose Edit page on the left side and click 'Project layouts' and choose 'Apply to the current page'. Select either 'edit_hor_menu' or 'edit_vert_menu' layout.
  • fixed multi-series Pie, Doughnut charts