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More... link - Calendar Month View

7/7/2011 4:25:05 PM
Calendar Template general questions
dblack6047 author

We recently instituted the Calendar template for our team and we noticed immediately after we began adding numerous daily entries for specific days that anytime there was more than 3 entries on a single day the Month view calendar would show "More..." for that day along with a link to view all the entries for that day on another screen.
Is there any way to change the default amount of daily entries so that 5 or 6 entries can be viewed on a single day while in the Month view tab?
Thank You,

dblack6047 author 7/13/2011

I am guessing that since no one (PHPRunner Staff) has responded to this very simple question then the Calendar Template product is no longer supported?

admin 7/15/2011

this is a "member to member help" forum. If you need a response from support you have to contact support directly.