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error -2147467259

8/8/2005 1:18:51 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
Ooopsbox author

<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> Hi
Can anyone help with this.
This error seems to be quite common. However I only get it when searching.
The exact error is:

Technical information

Error number -2147467259

Error description [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Unknown

URL /Sheet1$_list.asp

SQL query select [Reference], [Document Name], [Description], [Location], [Approved], [Internal], [External] From [Sheet1$] where 1=0 or Reference like '%psg0004%' or [Document Name] like '%psg0004%' or Description like '%psg0004%' or Location like '%psg0004%' or Approved like '%psg0004%' or Internal like '%psg0004%' or External like '%psg0004%'
After looking thru the message boards it appears it maybe the connection string?
My connection script in the include/..dbfile is:


strConnection = "Provider=MSDataShape;DBQ=" & server.mappath("db\PSGDocumentCentre[1].xls") & ";Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;UID=admin;"

Any help would be much appreciated. I cant search my data at the moment.

501224 8/8/2005

Also I have just realised I can search the data, but this erro only occurs when I leave the search field as "Any Field", if I define my search it works fine??

admin 8/9/2005

please zip and send to your project file and Excel file for investigation.