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Error number 3001

7/29/2005 5:24:50 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

Can anybody help?!
I had uploaded my pages to my server and everything had been working well. I have been checking my web pages and database and when I now login to my admin area through the ASP pages I built with ASPRunner I now receive the following error:
Error number 3001

Error description Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
Having read through previous peoples problems I have amended the variables.asp pages to show true and receive the complete details as follows:
select [ItemID], [title], [firstname], [surname], [dateofbirth], [address], [townorcity], [county], [postcode], [postalarea], [coowned], [coownername], [coownerdateofbirth], [homephone], [workphone], [workext], [mobilephone], [emailaddress], [employmentstatus], [coowneremployed], [annualincome], [coownerincome], [adversecredit], [propertytype], [propertyvalue], [currentlender], [mortgagetype], [mortgagebalance], [term], [rate], [ratetype], [monthlypayment], [penalties], [penaltyexpiry], [remortgagepurpose], [cashback], [notes], [callbacktime], [confirm], [leadgenerated], [Inventory_Count], [Security], [payer_email] From [clientdetails]
The error message box shows this:
Technical information

Error number 3001

Error description Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

URL /home/administration_list.asp

SQL query select [ItemID], [title], [firstname], [surname], [dateofbirth], [address], [townorcity], [county], [postcode], [postalarea], [coowned], [coownername], [coownerdateofbirth], [homephone], [workphone], [workext], [mobilephone], [emailaddress], [employmentstatus], [coowneremployed], [annualincome], [coownerincome], [adversecredit], [propertytype], [propertyvalue], [currentlender], [mortgagetype], [mortgagebalance], [term], [rate], [ratetype], [monthlypayment], [penalties], [penaltyexpiry], [remortgagepurpose], [cashback], [notes], [callbacktime], [confirm], [leadgenerated], [Inventory_Count], [Security], [payer_email] From [clientdetails]
The connection I use for the database is as follows:

strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\domains\domain\db\databasename.mdb"


(Names amended for security)
I have 6 areas set up to view and edit. 4 of the areas work, but the database has no input in the fields, the other 2 areas have data in the fields and these are the ones that I receive the error on, so am assuming if all 6 had data in the fields- none of them would work and show me the same error message 3001.
I am using MS Access as my database and work on a windows server.
Can someone please advice me how to overcome this error problem?
GArry Ridlington

admin 7/31/2005

you need to use connection string generated by ASPRunnerPro.

strConnection = "DBQ=" & server.mappath("databasename.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;UID=admin;"