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Export to excel problem...

6/30/2005 1:28:22 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
sparkg author

Having a problem when you export records to excel - or csv for that matter...if there is no value in a column, that row gets shifted to the left in the excel sheet making it pretty much useless because random columns through the records have no data in them.

We're fooling with the ---export.asp to the table to make the export put a dash in if the field is empty or null but does anyone have a specific fix to hold the position of the empty columns?
Thanks all!

sparkg author 6/30/2005

Now in conjunction with the Excel export problem above...we have put a default value - the string "0" - when creating a new record into fields that might be blank until a value is acquired at a later date. We can put a default value into a text field, but you can't put one into a field that has a lookup values from another table. I tried setting it in the xx.aspfunctions.asp file and it still wouldn't take. Dropdown fields won't take a default from the lookup table or any value.

Way around now is using a trigger on the SQL Server to check for a blank coming in and inserting the "0" at the database.

Any comments or help in that?
Also all of this defaulting is arising because you can't search a field for "" or null.

admin 7/1/2005

the export problem was fixed.

Please download the latest version of ASPRunner Pro here.
Default value setting for Lookup wizard will be available in one of the next versions of ASPRunner Pro.