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 Date Difference Calculation

5/11/2010 2:22:35 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
Jay123 author

I've created a datediff formula in Access (query) and it worked in Access. When I used ASPRunner 6.1, that formula wasn't taken.
I would like to ask what's the easiest solution to reflect the # of days difference in an assigned field.
For example, I have field1 as the field that will show the calculated number of days. Field2 is where users have to enter a date. I would like field1 to show the difference (# of days) between field2 and today's date.

Maurits 5/12/2010

I've created a datediff formula in Access (query) and it worked in Access. When I used ASPRunner 6.1, that formula wasn't taken.
I would like to ask what's the easiest solution to reflect the # of days difference in an assigned field.
For example, I have field1 as the field that will show the calculated number of days. Field2 is where users have to enter a date. I would like field1 to show the difference (# of days) between field2 and today's date.

Dict("NoInterestDate") = CDate(DateAdd("m", TotalMonthsNoInterest, Date()))

Dict("ContractEndDate") = CDate(DateAdd("yyyy", TotalYearsContract, Date()))

Dict("TotalDaysLeft") = DateDiff("d",Date(), LastDayOfMonth")
This is working for me in version 5.2 with access tables

admin 5/12/2010

DateDiff function should work in ASPRunnerPro just fine.
You can post your SQL Query along with exact error message here.

Jay123 author 5/12/2010

To Member,
Thanks for your response. Could you pls. let me know where should I add these codes?

Dict("NoInterestDate") = CDate(DateAdd("m", TotalMonthsNoInterest, Date()))

Dict("ContractEndDate") = CDate(DateAdd("yyyy", TotalYearsContract, Date()))

Dict("TotalDaysLeft") = DateDiff("d",Date(), LastDayOfMonth")
To Admin,
Here's the one that I have in my Access Query.

Field1 is DaysLeft

Field2 is Expiry Date

DaysLeft: DateDiff("d",Date(),Users![Expiry Date])
If this will work, pls. let me know where will I put this if I will not bring the query over to ASP. What I have done instead, I just pointed to the table with Field1 and Field2 and I would like to have that formula/code on Field1.

Maurits 5/12/2010

To Member,
Thanks for your response. Could you pls. let me know where should I add these codes?

Dict("NoInterestDate") = CDate(DateAdd("m", TotalMonthsNoInterest, Date()))

Dict("ContractEndDate") = CDate(DateAdd("yyyy", TotalYearsContract, Date()))

Dict("TotalDaysLeft") = DateDiff("d",Date(), LastDayOfMonth")
To Admin,
Here's the one that I have in my Access Query.

Field1 is DaysLeft

Field2 is Expiry Date

DaysLeft: DateDiff("d",Date(),Users![Expiry Date])
If this will work, pls. let me know where will I put this if I will not bring the query over to ASP. What I have done instead, I just pointed to the table with Field1 and Field2 and I would like to have that formula/code on Field1.

You could put this code in the function 'Before Record Added' and Function 'Before Record Updated'.

Have a look in part of my code:
strSQLExists = "SELECT FROM tbl_Contract_Settings WHERE NameOfContract = '" & Dict("ContractName") & "'"

set rsExists = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rsExists.Open strSQLExists, dbConnection

if not rsExists.eof then

'Response.write "Record FOUND" & "<Br>"

'Name of the Contract

NC = rsExists("NameOfContract")


TotalYearsContract = rsExists("ContractLength")

'Fixed or Growth

FG = rsExists("FixedOrGrowth")

'Costprice Seed Unit

CostPrice = rsExists("ValueSeedUnitCostPrice")

'Sell value Seed Unit

ValueSeedUnitPrice = rsExists("ValueSeedUnit")

'Contract Currency

Contract_Currency = rsExists("ContractCurrency")

'Total months NO interest

TotalMonthsNoInterest = rsExists("MonthsNoInterest")

'Total Months Double Interest

TotalMonthsDoubleInterest = rsExists("MonthsDoubleInterest")

'Interest No 1

Int1 = rsExists("percentage_1_100")

'Interest No 2

Int2 = rsExists("percentage_101_250")

'Interest No 3

Int3 = rsExists("percentage_251_500")

'Interest No 4

Int4 = rsExists("percentage_501_1000")

'Interest No 5

Int5 = rsExists("percentage_1001_more")

'Yield No 1

Yield1 = rsExists("yield_1_100")

'Yield No 2

Yield2 = rsExists("yield_101_250")

'Yield No 3

Yield3 = rsExists("yield_251_500")

'Yield No 4

Yield4 = rsExists("yield_501_1000")

'Yield No 5

Yield5 = rsExists("yield_1001_more")

'Create Part of Contract Number

If UCase(FG) = "FIXED" then

Part_Contract_Number = "FD"


Part_Contract_Number = "GT"

End If

'Create Contract Number

NEWContractNumber = Part_Contract_Number & Mid(Now(),7,4) & "-" & Mid(Now(),4,2) & Mid(Now(),1,2) & Mid(Now(),12,2) & Mid(Now(),15,2) & Mid(Now(),18,2)


Response.write "Record NOT Found" & "<Br>"

end if
rsExists.Close : set rsExists = Nothing
'Calculate Last day of the month

LastDayOfMonth = DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m",+1,replace(Date(), DatePart("d",Date()), "01")))
Dict("ContractNumber") = NEWContractNumber

Dict("ContractType") = FG

Dict("CurrencyType") = Contract_Currency

Dict("SeedUnitPrice") = ValueSeedUnitPrice

Dict("TotalSeedUnits") = Dict("TotalSeedUnits")

Dict("StartCapital") = ValueSeedUnitPrice

Dict("StartDate") = Date

Dict("NoInterestDate") = CDate(DateAdd("m", TotalMonthsNoInterest, Date()))

Dict("DoubleInterestDate") = CDate(DateAdd("m", TotalMonthsDoubleInterest, Date()))

Dict("ContractEndDate") = CDate(DateAdd("yyyy", TotalYearsContract, Date()))



Dict("TotalDaysLeft") = CDate(DateDiff("d",Date(), LastDayOfMonth"))
'** Check if DataBase is LOCKED ****

strSQLExists = "SELECT * FROM DB_Status WHERE DataBaseStatus = 'CLOSED'"

set rsExists = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rsExists.Open strSQLExists, dbConnection
if not rsExists.eof then

Response.Write "<script>alert('MESSAGE: The DataBase is locked.' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Updating Interest Tables, try again in 5 minutes.')</script>"

BeforeAdd = FALSE


BeforeAdd = True

end if

rsExists.Close : set rsExists = Nothing
!! Please note that dict("Field_Name") might need changing to values("Field_Name") in version 6.x

Jay123 author 5/13/2010

Thanks a lot Member. It worked!