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 ASPRunnerPro 6.2 released

2/5/2010 11:56:11 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
Sergey Kornilov

We are proud to present the final version of ASPRunnerPro 6.2.
Download links:
Upgrade link:
ASPRunnerPro 6.2 requires new registration key. This update is free to customers who purchased ASPRunnerPro less than one year ago. All other customers can upgrade for $99.
If you are eligible to get a free upgrade and haven't yet received a new key open a ticket at'> sending your order number or registration email address so we can locate your order in our database and send you a new key.
Known issues:

  1. Audit

    All actions like login/logout/record editing/adding/deleting etc are logged to Audit table.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  2. Record locking.

    To test this feature open this project in two different browsers i.e. in Firefox and Chrome. Logon using different credentials and try to edit the same record in one of tables to see how it works. Admin is able to unblock record if it was blocked for too long or take ownership.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  3. Column resizing.

    Resize any column on the list page by dragging it's edge.
  4. Edit/Add master-details tables on the same page

  • Add master and details
  • Edit master and details
  • Edit details in inline mode on master
  • View master and details (not implemented in this demo, will be available in final version)
  • multiple detail tables (nested or one master - many details). I.e. you can display customers, orders by customer, order details per order and edit all three tables at the same time without leaving the page. Sounds a bit crazy, huh?

  1. New FTP client. SFTP/FTPS support. To increase upload speed change the number of FTP threads in Project->Settings.
  2. Option: Block user account after three unsuccessful login attempts
  3. Option: Section 508 compliance
    Check keyboard-based navigation through table links on the list page (Arrow Up, Arrow Down, Tab, Shift Tab).
  4. Search panel (advanced search on the list page)

    Check search panel on the left. You can add new criteria.

    You can add the same field twice which will produce OR search (username='admin' or username='test').

    By default it implements 'Contains' search. To change this click 'Show options' link.

    You can use both search panel and simple search box at the same time. It produces AND search in this case.

    You can show/hide search panel clicking button with double arrows.

    You can also make search panel floating clicking pin button.
  5. Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts. Chart auto-refresh by specified time interval.
    More info on new chart types:
  6. Google maps widget

  1. 'Insert button' feature. Add a button in Visual Editor and type in code to be executed after button is pressed. Supports both client-side (Javascript) and server-side (PHP/ASP) events.
  2. New databases support: Informix, DB2, SQLite, any ODBC-enabled
  3. Add CAPTCHA to any page

    (Edit/Add/Login/Password reminder etc)
  4. AJAX-based pagination/sorting/search

    To turn this feature on proceed to 'Choose pages' screen and click '...' button next to 'List page' check box.

wisdom2009 2/5/2010

I just upgrade from ASPRUNNERPRO6.1 to ASPRUNNERPRO6.2 and i receive the key for 6.1 intead of 6.2 Could please expedite the resolution of this issue
Thank you

tone21705 3/9/2010

My company currently uses ASPRunner 6.1 and we are very happy with it.
I noticed your changes in 6.2 and are very interested in them, especially the Audit Trail.
A few questions though:
Assuming the audit trail requires a login account to be used, can we have the ASPRunner login page communicate to our Active Directory so the users dont have to have multiple login screens or multiple logins and pws and they can use the AD login/pw? We currently use a 3rd party program called JustLDAP to connect ASP to the AD (works well enough) for all our other needs.
Thank you,

Sergey Kornilov 3/10/2010

you may want to check the following article that explains how to implement single sign-on feature:
Probably this is something you can use in your environment.