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Advanced Search problem: SQL Server Money Field

8/6/2003 3:04:42 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
jwils5oi author

Error 2147217900: Implicit conversion from data type money to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
This is the error message that I got when trying the advanced search for 'Contains' on an SQL Server money field. I was able to fix it for the regular search by casting the data as varchar in the SQL statement. Following was my attempt to manually change advanced search:
' advanced search

if Request.Form("action")="AdvancedSearch" then


For i = 1 To Request.Form("SearchFor").Count


if strSearchFor<>"" then

if sWhere="" then sWhere=" where 1=1"


if Request.Form( ("FieldName")(i) ) = "Original Cost" then

sWhere = sWhere & " and " & " (cast( " & AddWrappers(Request.Form("FieldName")(i)) & " as varchar(25))) " & StrWhereAdv(Request.Form("FieldName")(i), strSearchFor, strSearchOption)


sWhere = sWhere & " and " & AddWrappers(Request.Form("FieldName")(i)) & StrWhereAdv(Request.Form("FieldName")(i), strSearchFor, strSearchOption)

end if

end if


strSQL = strSQL & sWhere

end if