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Am i Thick

2/4/2005 5:41:30 AM
ASPRunner.NET General questions


I have version 2. of asprunner and was wondering whether to upgrade my asprunner or go for .Net version as there doesnt seem to be much difference in price . Upgrade or New Version.. Can anyone help me decide as I think the Trial version of ASPrunner is 10 times better than version 2...

P.S. I still get stuck on up-loading images as a database image.. When someone edits their profile and uploads an image it works fine but if they save their profile it reverts back to no image...

Is there a way this thing can upload file based images to a separate folder as my database is massive with only a few images on it...

Sorry for the ignorance .. But i would reccomend this programme 100 per cent

Pete M 2/4/2005

My take - the .net version is newer and does not have as many features as asprunner yet - but then again the latest version of asprunner is really excellent. I still prefer asprunner, especially once I'd worked out how to edit templates. But the .net version outputs files which can be edited further more easily (the html and 'logic' parts are separated). Your service provider may charge more to host .net applications. Also .net is the future, and ultimately more powerful than classic asp - and you can do things with fewer lines of code. .net apps can run more slowly, but the latest version has improved. There are alot more questions and answers for the classic version on the forum as well!
Sorry I can't help on the second part.

admin 2/5/2005

I agree with Pete.
If you are fine with ASP pages fuctionality and layout I would recommend to stick with ASPRunnerPro. If you need to make a lot of changes after initial set of pages generated choose ASPRunner.NET.
Currently ASPRunnerPro carries more features than ASPRunner.NET however we work on making feature set of these programs identical. In the future you can expect to find in ASPRunner.NET everything that ASPRunner has.
PS. I can help you to solve images upload issue. Zip and send to your generated files, project file and your sample database.