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Plans for the next version of ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner

5/22/2007 3:48:55 PM
Sergey Kornilov

We have released ASPRunnerPro 5.0/PHPRunner 4.0 a bit earlier than it was expected. Now it's the time to build a list of features for the next major update.
All features we'd like to implement fall into the following categories.

Most probably we won't be able to include all features in the next update which means three or four most important need to be picked. Pick up to three features you believe the most important.
1. Events
New events, new event parameters to simplify development.

Access to both old and new data record in BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events.

New events on the List page to simplify calculation and displaying of subtotals, rows coloring based on data, inserting empty lines between record groups etc.

2. Visual Editor enhancements

More than 40 improvements on "to do" list.
3. SQL query designer, master-details relationships designer
Visual SQL query builder, multiple master-details primary-foreign keys support.
4. UI pack
templates enhancements like multiedit/multiadd records on the list page, changing columns width and order on the list page, sorting data by several fields, data filtering and more.
5. Security pack
6. Miscellaneous
Data import, javascript events, stored procedures generation, separate edit types on Edit/Add pages, splitting Add/Edit into several pages.

dratman 5/23/2007

I've been working on my own template for multi-edit. I think that's a key feature.
At the present time, in order to edit a few records the user has to click an Edit link, enter the changes, save the changes, go back to the list, and repeat. With multi-edit, you just edit a record within the list, then click Save. Repeat. That is much easier and adds a different level of control and convenience.
Here's another issue. I mentioned above that I'm working on a template. Right now, in order to use my new multi-edit template, I have to replace the existing list.htm template with my new one so that PHPRunner will generate code using the modified list.htm.
It would be very helpful if I could add my customized template to PHPRunner without having to discard an existing one. I realize this is a challenge to manage from the point of view of PHPRunner's interface, but I think it would be worthwhile. More users might be inspired to write or modify templates, which in time might be incorporated into PHPRunner.
Thanks for listening.

charly1211 5/23/2007

I think the best new features where you can save a lot of time are the new events, multi-add/multi-edit feature and import functions. It would be nice to add new source files to a project, regardless if this is a new list template, another css or javascript file.
Are there any templates for multi-add/multi-edit or importing data from users who have tried to do this for their own to enhance phprunner functionality?

deeg 5/23/2007

1, #4, #5

Sergey Kornilov 5/25/2007

Raplh and charly1211,
you can create your own templates and layouts as well as add more files to existing templates.

Take a look at Templates directory where templates, layouts and styles are stored.

You can add new template or layout copying existing one. New templates/layouts will be available for selection in ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner.
See manual for additional info on layouts and templates.
Please note that templates consist of database, project file and HTML files.

If you like to modify source code we recommend to use Events. This way we can keep your templates compatible with future versions of ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner.

dratman 5/25/2007

Raplh and charly1211,

you can create your own templates and layouts as well as add more files to existing templates... New templates/layouts will be available for selection in ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner.

The upgrade manual for PHPRunner 3.1, at, states that
"Template editor is gone In new version there is no template editor anymore. It was replaced by WYSIWYG visual editor... You cannot use custom templates created in older versions of PHPRunner"
A few weeks ago I added a new directory to templates/layouts, called my_custom_layout. In there I copied all the contents of the existing style1 directory, with a few changes. This new custom_layouts directory was visible inside PHPRunner, and it works fine.
In response to your message above, I tried adding a new listedit.htm template to the templates/layouts directory. Then I opened PHPRunner, but I saw no additional templates available. I can edit list.htm, without changing the name of that file, and my new version is used by PHPRunner. In that case my new version replaces the old version.
It would be helpful to be able to add entirely new templates, with different names, without removing existing templates. Is that possible? If so, can you tell me how to accomplish it?
Thank you very much.

Sergey Kornilov 5/25/2007

I guess you need to clarify what is your understanding of "entirely new templates, with different names".
If you plan to add files other than List/View etc take a look at files.txt file in source directory (also in source directory of each business template). You can add more files to files.txt and define when and how they be processed.

jxd 5/28/2007

I certainly go for the Visual SQL Master/Detail query where you will be able to construct easily Custom View including multip table links.
I hope it will be part of the next release .
Continue the nice work

scuba 5/30/2007

Well, actually everything would be great but concerning my project the biggest advantage would be the possibility to edit data directly in List-View and multi-editing. Also, dependent drop downs in Edit-View shouldn't automatically be dependent in Advanced-Search since thereby search-options are getting limited.
best maintained software product and best community service I know of !!!

dani 5/31/2007

I would be VERY interested in the possibility of having a "split screen" with a scrollable list of master records on the top half, and the detail records corresponding to the currently selected master record showing up on the bottom half.
I think it would be more useful than ajax popups because you could have access to full data AND inline editing of both master and detail tables on the same screen.

amannerud 5/31/2007

For me the two most important things to focus on would be Events and Security. I would especially like a Update Other Table in BeforeEdit event, but any Events makes development a lot easier and streamlined. As far as security I would like to see "3 strikes and your out" (that is locked out - for a period of time or until the admin unlocks the account) and some type of audit functionality where all add/edit/removes are tracked in perhaps a seperate database or log.

chemi 5/31/2007

First I must say this product (PHPrunner is the one I´m using now) is developing in the right direction, is powerful and with a good balance of feaures, but most importantly because you, the people at support: listen, help, debug, deliver fast, develop... and even ask for opinions! This is not flattering, just a fact that other much bigger contenders in the software industry don´t want to understand!
My suggestions on improvements:

  • Not easy: why not to document a little else the internals workings of the code generation, templates, variables used, debugging, how to examples?... something to help the intermediate PHP developer: I think most of us here fall in this category. I would really appreciate a central knowledgbase or document where I could find some extra information without jumping from topic to topic. Probably this will help you also in support in the long run :-) I don´t mean a thick manual reference, but maybe kind of wiki with "how to´s" and quick reference..
  • Not very difficult for you ;-): an structure/interface to expand unlimited levels of subcategories. I´m sure thousands of projects need this feature. Usually it´s not enough with just one subcategory level. I even mean your product creating a table structure to hold of nodes, childs... and link fields so that other tables could hook on them as well and obviously the interface to manage it.
  • I´m happy to hear about more gadgets in the visual editor... too many times I have to recreate the project and my visual editor work/field setting has to be redone... could you provide an easy way to save this specific part of project so that can be reused again?
  • Also maybe some work for the rest of us: A forum thread specific for users of this product aimed to share all the good ideas this fantastic tool empowers: from example projects to tutorials, case studies, code snippets, events and even third party plugins... anything that could help not to reinvent the wheel, spark ideas and learn a little more.
    Thanks and keep the GOOD work!

mikesharp 5/31/2007

I think SQL query designer, master-details relationships designer is the most important so far, because the application can't work well without robust structure IMHO,

tazza_no1 6/1/2007

I would loke see the following in the new release of phprunner.
The application should be able to support the MYSQL password encryption and just the phprunner encrypted passwords. If this feature already exists I have failed to find it.
By allowing the native encryption you can create your own php pages if needed for additional functionality.
I would alo like to multiple database connection user option. This would add an extra level of security as you could have some tables using one user with restricted priveleges at mysql level and the admin uses could use another user for access to give them more access. you should be able to use more than one table for user access. one table will contain admin users and the other with standard users. As the standard users will have restricted access this will not allow access to areas of the database that they should not have access to even if there is flaw in the phpcode. (not that their is a flaw, mistakes can happen).
At the moment the only way I can aceive this is by creating two projects pointing to the same database which also adds another entry in the web server.
Under user group permissions more controlo would be nice by separating list/view export/print.
great job so far. just a little more to go and this will be such a excellent application.

mazyad 6/1/2007

I'm grateful of the rapid development and advanced easy to use features of ASPRunnerPro. Your attention to our needs and your prompt delivary is highly appreciated. I would suggest adding general business templates such as a guest book with smily, HelpDesk, Forum, ContactUs, Inventory, Chat would be very helpful. I learned a lot from the included templetes with version 5 especially sendtofreind. Additionally, I would like to see freedom on having separate MDB or MySQL, or SQL Server databases for various application so that the user security and login details are separated from data related to business. Finally, detailed documentation of the generated code logic and philosophy would ease the learning curve for many of us.
Keep up the fantastic work.

daviesgh 6/4/2007

Hi Sergey,
I'm already looking forward to a new version of PHPRunner. The Top Features that I would like to see are (Details of features are below):

  • Non-Wizard (Basic/Advanced) PHPRunner Program Interface
  • Ability to manually change the order of Pages (or grouping of similar pages) displayed in PHPRunner
  • Multi Line Undo and Multiple Undo on Events Editor and for Visual HTML Editor
  • Find / Replace Function across all Events and for Visual HTML Editor
  • Ability to choose which Pages to Generate
  • Multi-Page Add/Edits Pages
  • Correct sorting of data in List Pages when the field is based on a Lookup Wizard
  • Different formatting of fields in Add and Edit Pages
  • Allow any field to be readonly and have 'Edit As' Property set e.g. Lookup Wizard to be read-only
  • Allow values for a Checkbox to be defined
  • Custom 'Valiadate As' in Visual Editor
  • PageStart Event
  • Inline Edits
  • Multiple master-details primary-foreign keys support
    Below I have explained these and other features I would like. For some of these features I have found work arounds.
    1. Events
    Useful additions:
  • PageStart Event - I have been adding code to the tablename_events.php which will then run at the start of every page that includes that events file. In the code I check if the user is logged in and which page is running. Typically I have been adding extra where conditions to the SQL Statement. However it would be useful to be able to call an Event right at the start of the page, but after the security checks have been done and once $conn and $smarty have been declared.
  • Ablility to access to both old and new data record in BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events.
  • Useful if &$values was passed as a parameter to all events. For example in the EditOnLoad() event to access a value, you have to declare $data as a global variable. In event AfterSuccessfulLogin(), it is useful to have the data for post login processing.
  • There should be a consistent method for generating error messages, perhaps as a parameter passed to events or a session variable. In Add/Edit Pages there is variable $message, in Login/Changepwd there is variable $strMessage and in List Pages there is no message variable.
  • Multi Line Undo and Multiple Undo on Events Editor
  • Extended list of which global variables may be useful - possibly from right mouse click
  • Find / Replace Function across all Events
    2. Visual Editor Enhancements
    Useful additions:
  • Find / Replace Function
  • Allow any field to be readonly and have Edit As Property set e.g. Lookup Wizard to be read-only (otherwise a custom function is required)
  • Allow a Lookup Wizard & Radio Button List of Values to have a value and a description e.g. Y/N Yes/No, T/F True/False (otherwise a lookup table and extra database access is required)
  • Allow values for a Checkbox to be defined
  • Support for more date formats e.g. 31/Jan/2007
  • Multiple Undo
  • Insert Hyperlink - Add Display Text
  • Field Picker - Allow database fields to be inserted (if previously deleted), rather than have to manually edit HTML or reset page
  • Changes to HTML Code Highlighted
  • Access to View As and Edit As properties even if the Pages are not to be generated
  • Custom Valiadate As
    3. SQL query designer, master-details relationships designer
    Useful additions:
  • Ability to add variables or functions to the SQL Statement, for example to add a filter. Currently the SQL Statement can only be a string
  • If SQL is edited, any field from the SQL Statement should be available in the Order by Windows, rather than just from the original table
  • Multiple master-details primary-foreign keys support.
  • Support for Compound Primary Keys for Master/Details and Links
  • Visual SQL query builder is a nice extra
  • Interactive resync if Database structure is changed - when the database is changed, allow a resync with PHPRunner, and allow the user to match up changed e.g. if a field has been renamed, let the user pick the old/new fields
    4. UI pack
    Useful additions:
  • Inline Editing - Adding may make the List Page too complicated
  • Correct sorting of data in List Pages when the field is based on a Lookup Wizard
  • Changing columns width
  • Sorting data by several fields, turning off sorting
    5. Security pack
  • Dynamic User Rights - It would be useful to be able to change user rights and add new user groups without having to re-generate the application.
  • Superior (Parent)/Subordinate User Security - Currently it is possible to restrict User to see their own data, and to have one Superuser to see all data. It would be useful to be able to set up a hierarchy of Users e.g. User A is the boss of User B. User A can see data for Users A and B, but can not see data for User C. User B can just see data for themselves.
  • The processing of user rights in the list page appears quite wasteful. Why not do the processing once in the login page and store the results in session variables? I can't see why the user rights are generated in each list page, rather defined once in commonfunctions.php
  • Basic checks on password - length, different to user name, mixed case, excludes specified words, different to previously used passwords etc
  • Password expiry after preset time e.g. 3 months
  • Logging of any Application / Database Errors
    6. Miscellaneous
  • Area to define JavaScript events for each page
  • JavaScript onclick event for each field e.g. clicking on a Radio Button to display/hide fields
  • Allow different formatting of fields in Add and Edit Pages e.g. Read-only in Edit Page
  • Multi-Page Add/Edits - Splitting Add/Edit into several pages.
    PHPRunner Program - Non-Wizard Interface
    I find that having to use the two buttons at the bottom of the PHPRunner Application to navigate quite slow to use. It is laid out as a wizard which is great the first time you use the program as it takes you through each step until you generate the website. However it would be great to be able to switch to a different interface.
    Once you have set up a connection to a database you are unlikely to want to change it very often and so Database Type and Connect to Mysql Page could be put into a Menu.

    I hardly ever use the Miscellaneous Page, and once a style sheet and layout has been chosen I don't use the Choose Theme Page either. The Output Directory is part of the Build Process. For all the other Pages it would be useful to have individual buttons for each to access them quickly
    It would be useful to be able to manually change the order of the Pages displayed on the left hand side of PHPRunner e.g. to be able to group all Dataentry / Lookup / Security / Enquiry Pages together. If each page were assigned a group, then the Lookup group could be collapsed, allow easier program development (user defined groups would be best)
    Maintaining HTML Templates

    PHPRunner has been designed to use HTML Templates. Features that may be useful would be the ability to use an external HTML Editor, or if HTML Templates are maintained by another Designer, they could be imported back into the Project.
    Comparison with PHPMaker version 4.3
    I have been previously been using PHPMaker version 4.3 which already has a number of features you are considering which I am now missing:
  • Ability to choose which Pages to Generate
  • Ability to manually change the order of Pages displayed in Program
  • Interactive resync if Database structure is changed
  • Dynamic User Rights
  • Superior (Parent)/Subordinate User Security
  • Storage of User rights in Session variables
  • Multi-Page Add/Edits
  • Inline Edits
  • Different formatting of fields in Add and Edit Pages
  • Allow a Lookup Wizard to be read-only
  • Allow a Lookup Wizard & RadioBox List of Values to have a value and a description e.g. Y/N
  • Allow values for a Checkbox to be defined
  • Consistent Error messages based on a session variable
  • Add filter to SQL Statement (php statement)
  • Visual SQL Designer
  • Support for Compound Primary Keys in Master/Details
    I hope that you find this feedback useful and not too long! Applogies if some of features already exist, I have only been using the PHPRunner for less than a month

dratman 6/4/2007

Whew! Gordon, that is a lot of suggestions! I'm a PHPRunner user too, and I'm also a software developer. I would suggest that you pick out your two or three highest priority change and suggest them to Sergey. Your list just looks like a years' worth of work!
Sergey, please correct me if I am wrong

daviesgh 6/5/2007

Ralph & Sergey,
At the start of my previous post, I put the Top Features that I would like in order of importance (most important first). I did not make that clear.

gverras 8/14/2007


Here's my 2 cents...

I think the biggest Step forward in ASP Runner Pro development would be the ability to use SQL Server Stored Procedures. It addresses a core issue that I'm having with performance. Using views and tables are fine for most applications. however when you want to flatten out and filter a hierarchical dataset of Accounting data for example, you need to be able to use temporary tables which means you have to use Stored Procedures. I've tried using Rowset functions and Scalar Functions in views which work pretty well, but they bog down the system and usually time out.
Please include Stored Procedures in the next release.

Sergey Kornilov 8/15/2007

honestly, I'd love to add stored procedures support in ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner. It's not that difficult to implement after all.
There is one thing is not clear to me. If you use stored procedure as a datasource you can add, edit, delete, search or sort. This only leaves you a possibility to browse data.
Is there something I'm missing?

KingDean 8/27/2007

I think that gordon hit on some great points, but for the php version, i would love to see these in asprunner pro. Security Settings being web based. Multiple sort options.
I see the need for more security options and maybe a profile page for each user that you can setup like such
Employee A
Type of Security - maybe radio buttons to select the options under each table that generated the add, edit, delete, view, export ...

gverras 8/27/2007


I can implement business logic and I have more control over the data that I'm selecting. Something that can be accomplished with a table or a view but with a lot of overhead.
For instance I can build a temporary table or use a table variable first and then go after data in larger tables and return the results that I want much quicker then writing all encompassing Select statement. This is a tactic that I use to build a calendar of different events from different tables.
Stored procedures are more efficient then Selecting from tables and views.
Also Reporting datasets are usually flattened out whereas transactional data is more normalized. Most of what I use ASP Runner Pro for is to allow the users in our company to query and analyze data. In almost every case I can write an SP that will outperform the SQL that ASP runner generates.
If there is some way to utilize SP's now in version 5.0 please post an example. I've searched the forums but haven't really found anything. The closest that I can come to a SP is to use Rowset Functions. But they don't compile a query plan like SP's do.


honestly, I'd love to add stored procedures support in ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner. It's not that difficult to implement after all.
There is one thing is not clear to me. If you use stored procedure as a datasource you can add, edit, delete, search or sort. This only leaves you a possibility to browse data.
Is there something I'm missing?

Sergey Kornilov 9/1/2007

I do understand why stored procedures are better than plain SQL but the problem is that you cannot search/sort/paginate etc if you use stored procedure as a datasource.

Basically this means that none of generated pages will work as expected.
If you like to use stored procedures create a view in SQL Server that calls this SP and use this view as a datasource in ASPRunnerPro.

dcampbe11 9/4/2007

While this annoucement is great news for the asp and PhP folks, what has ahppened to the promised release for ASP.Net First it was to happen in April 2007, then you said it was postponed to July and email you send me last was it was to happen in August 2007. The current version is so full of bugs: drop downs do't work, views get scrambled, master page is joke only to name a few of the hundreds of problems. Is this product going to be discontinued. If so then I recommend existing users move to IRON Speed, that have a free version - no time contraint and it works great.

We have released ASPRunnerPro 5.0/PHPRunner 4.0 a bit earlier than it was expected. Now it's the time to build a list of features for the next major update.

All features we'd like to implement fall into the following categories.

Most probably we won't be able to include all features in the next update which means three or four most important need to be picked. Pick up to three features you believe the most important.
1. Events
New events, new event parameters to simplify development.

Access to both old and new data record in BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events.

New events on the List page to simplify calculation and displaying of subtotals, rows coloring based on data, inserting empty lines between record groups etc.

2. Visual Editor enhancements

More than 40 improvements on "to do" list.
3. SQL query designer, master-details relationships designer
Visual SQL query builder, multiple master-details primary-foreign keys support.
4. UI pack
templates enhancements like multiedit/multiadd records on the list page, changing columns width and order on the list page, sorting data by several fields, data filtering and more.
5. Security pack
6. Miscellaneous
Data import, javascript events, stored procedures generation, separate edit types on Edit/Add pages, splitting Add/Edit into several pages.

Sergey Kornilov 9/4/2007

no, ASPRunner.NET is not discontinued. We are working on the next version which includes visual editor and a data layer. I really we gave a beta version before the end of September. See more info in my email.

Max68 10/26/2007

I've seen that you are implementing new templates but when you think you finish the new features (expecially new javacript events and more security pack )?
Best regards


Atul 11/25/2007

If you kindly update menu or nevigation option. it is soooo simple rather than your list,edit and other option. next is: I want to declare variable in sql query option which is not support in this version. third is: I want to more clear about event option. pls give me real example. thanks and best regards:




dratman 11/25/2007

I am of course also hoping for improvements in the visual editor, but the most important step forward is quite difficult: the problem of changes which prevent regeneration. For example, if I move a pagination control from the bottom to the top of a list view, later PHPRunner is unable to regenerate the page.
This is a difficult problem to solve. I think you are using a diff3 type of merge, taking the diff between the original .htm file and the most recent .htm file, then trying to apply those changes to a newly generated .htm file.
That is a reasonable idea, but often it fails. I was wondering if it might work better reverse the order, taking the diff between the prior (pristine) generated version and the latest (pristine) generated version, then trying to apply those changes to the most recent customized .htm file.
You could even try both ways to see which might succeed in any given instance.
This particular problem -- successful regeneration without losing customizations -- is the key difficulty in combining code generation with human editing of layouts. At the moment the only robust workaround I know is to have the human programmer manually apply his/her updates each time the system is regenerated. As a small help, I've come up with an easier way to prevent custom .htm changes from being overwritten. But of course that does nothing solve the more difficult automatic regeneration problem.

Sergey Kornilov 11/27/2007

actually it already works the way you describe it. We compare old auto-generated copy with modified one and apply changes to the fresh auto-generated copy.
What is really killing us is Internet Explorer based WYSIWYG engine. IE breaks the code renaming attributes, removing quotes etc. Sometimes we are not able to handle those changes properly.
If you have a sample project where I can see merge problem feel free to send it to

mic'',) 12/5/2007

I think the you have to enhance the security features, I mean when I logged as admin I can change the policy access of the existing user. You can do this in check box.
But in advance this is much great compared with other PHP/ASP generator and editor. Thanks to your team.

Best Regards.


acpan 12/21/2007
  1. High Priority - Menu. As we developed features using PHPR for our website, we need menu system

    to group them and put more links into it. Current theme is not enough to group them.

    I use ajax scripts from dynamic drives, it works great but time consuming

    to add and change it when regenerate the pages
  2. Mid Prority - email for windows based apache server. Sendmail dont work some time with

    some server settings. I have used phpmailer in my event scripts,


    with this it was generic to implement the email sending without affected by

    any external environment. Joomla is using it too. Anyway, with this script/class,

    it was really easy to handle the email with smtp.
  3. Low Prority - invite some serious template developer to offer commercial templates

    like in templatesmonster. As we are very pleased with what we can do with

    phpr and build more and more stuff into our web, next thing is we want it to

    look really sexy. But people like me is good in bulding the logic into the web

    with the phpr, designing the look will be diff. But i must say current templates

    are presentable enough and alot more better than previous version.

James23 1/5/2008

I would be VERY interested in the possibility of having a "split screen" with a scrollable list of master records on the top half, and the detail records corresponding to the currently selected master record showing up on the bottom half.

ringlis1 4/15/2008

I think the Visual Editor could be enhanced more. Allowing users to move fields around and make page specific changes.
The ability to create sub-menus would be nice too.
Ability to have script globally adjust date/ time different from server time.

dunga 4/17/2008

I would be very happy if we can have table autosize option.
for example there are two tables, master and detail, when we move mouse over(currently) the detail table it displays a table of the content related to that record, and all is FINE UNTIL your detail table have let's say not 5 but 8 or 10 or more detailed information. then the detail table goes off screen and it is not convienitent anymore.

if you need a screenshot please ask
also it would be really nice if you guys could implement a
search and replace function using wild cards
for example:
I have 1000 records where part of the record contains special charachtes like the one below
all I want to do with this function (search and replace) to delete in all record anything located inbetween the "#" signs.
unfortunately it was not possible implement inside ACCESS mdb, since access treats # as a special charachter and does not find it while using Find and Replace function.

charly1211 4/19/2008

it would be great if you could implement some desktop-style elements like scrollable html tables as in or ajax tabs.

richardbeaumont 4/28/2008

Much less use of tables for page layouts - replace with divs and css. Templates that make multi-column layouts simple - for example 3 colum layout where generated code is in center column - with other columns for my existing content.

sakisl 6/28/2008

Hey guys,
I would most fancy some VE enhancements, but I've also voted for security, despite the fact that I don't need it at all (personally - at the moment). Because if one is to build a big thing, security is the most important issue.

Nice of you admin to ask our opinion before acting. Also please remember : removing known bugs should be a priority !

We love bug-free programs !

And congrats for your continuing great job <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

anicewick 7/25/2008
  • Support many-to-many join tables
  • Dynamically Hide Columns
  • Tagging rows with "GroupID" instead of userid
  • Popup search to find field values
  • Better documetaiton and toturials
  • interactive Web Classes
  • Active directory integration
  • Security locking to MAC addresses (Ensure only certan computers can do certain roles).
  • Paramterization of reports

Default 7/28/2008

The most wanted (for me at least) - is unicode support.

I have managed still to use PHPrunner with unicode languages, <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> but it is time consuming and requires using of another application (I wrote myself - translator).

So, for me unicode support is a matter of essence.

Suzanne 2/2/2009

I am interested in having a split screen with a scrollable list of master records on the top half, and the detail records corresponding to the currently selected master record showing up on the bottom half.

simonedan 6/5/2010

To automatically apply Language Block at the Add Page should be a must, possibly in one the next updates, if not than in the next Version

simonedan 6/5/2010

After the new Reccord added the automatically response "The Reccord was added successfully" is needed

swanside 6/6/2010

A Theme editor would be nice, between select Theme and visual editor, so you can select your theme, then on the next page, you can move things around in the theme, like layouts, change colours and fonts, and save the theme with a custom name, bit like making your own CSS but editing the one thats already there.

Problem doing it in Visual editor, is if you make a mistake, or add another field later on, you need to reset the page and then work on it again.

tedwilder 10/12/2010

Ajax implementation on events would be great. you put possibility to split in 2 forms in 5.3 but it would be much better to handle ajax in order to autofill same page where the user is. example : check stock of an item user choose : check in real time the stock in the table and retrieve it on same page : real time sql request based on what user enter in the form.

  • I didnt sa you add the autofill in5.3 ! but we can't customised the autofill request..( to do some basic math for instance ).
  • handling a second database would be great too.

mikeaccess 10/19/2010

Any idea yet when 5.3 will go final? I have a project I'm working on that I need some of the new features, they seem to be working fine in 5.3b, but I can't show it to the client until I get my unlock code to get rid of all of the "unlicensed" version messages. Are we getting close yet?

tedwilder 10/26/2010

Any idea yet when 5.3 will go final? I have a project I'm working on that I need some of the new features, they seem to be working fine in 5.3b, but I can't show it to the client until I get my unlock code to get rid of all of the "unlicensed" version messages. Are we getting close yet?

to my knowledge, if you buy the 5.2 right now you also get at the same time a registration number for beta 5.3 that will erase "unlicensed" message.

mikeaccess 10/27/2010

to my knowledge, if you buy the 5.2 right now you also get at the same time a registration number for beta 5.3 that will erase "unlicensed" message.

Found out I just need to contact support and they will get me my license number for 5.3 <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Sergey Kornilov 10/27/2010

you need to contact support directly to get your code today. Posting here is pointless.

romaldus 6/24/2011

up to version 5.3, phprunner still use table based design for web forms. For example, in phprunner tutorial : How to build advanced webforms
some web design software such as WYSIWYG Web Builderhas the ability to design grid based and web forms, support drag and drop field anywhere on page.
how about phprunner version 6?

Sergey Kornilov 6/24/2011

your suggestion is totally reasonable. WYSIWYG Web Builder and some other tools use absolutely positioned divs that allow you to drag-n-drop controls very easy. The issue is that divs only work well with static content. They cannot handle dynamically sized content which is often the case in PHPRunner application where content comes from the database.
As soon as we find a reliable solution for this issue we'll introduce tableless forms to PHPRunner.

kadidarm 10/4/2011

I would like to see scroll bar for the list view please