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Problem displaying search parameters on report

4/26/2018 1:48:42 AM
PHPRunner General questions
DUKE author

I am using the following code to display the search parameters on the report.
global $strTableName;

if (isset($_SESSION[$strTableName.'_advsearch']))


$searchClauseObj = unserialize($_SESSION[$strTableName.'_advsearch']);


$fieldSearchData = $searchClauseObj->_where[$strTableName."_srchFields"];

echo "Search was completed."."
for($i=0; $i<count($fieldSearchData); $i++){

$fName = $fieldSearchData[$i]['fName'];

$val1 = $fieldSearchData[$i]['value1'];

$val2 = $fieldSearchData[$i]['value2'];

$srchCat = $fieldSearchData[$i]['opt'];

$srchNot = $fieldSearchData[$i]['not'];

echo "Search Field: ".$fName."

echo "Search Option: ".$val1."

If I echo $_SESSION[$strTableName.'_advsearch'] to the page I get a lot of information about the search. Here is a part:
However, I am not getting any unserialized data back.
I have tried this on both an online server, and on localhost.