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Get values of a dropdown box

11/17/2017 6:40:40 AM
PHPRunner General questions
gbhmayer1 author

How to get values ​​from a list of a dropdown box in a field using lookup wizard (with 'Allow multiple selection' selected)?

admin 11/17/2017

When you need to access this value? There many ways to do that on both client side and server side.

gbhmayer1 author 11/17/2017

When you need to access this value? There many ways to do that on both client side and server side.

I need to access the values (multiple) in 'Before record added' / Add Page/ to insert the values in the table.
It's a Messenger Application. I need to send the message to multiple recipients.

admin 11/17/2017

In BeforeAdd event just use $values["FieldName"]

gbhmayer1 author 11/17/2017

In BeforeAdd event just use $values["FieldName"]

But if multiple records are selected of a Listbox (in a lookup Wizard field)?

admin 11/17/2017

Same thing.

gbhmayer1 author 11/17/2017

Same thing.
