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Best way to hide Register Link

11/13/2017 10:48:46 PM
PHPRunner General questions
justmelat author

What is the best method for hiding the "register" link that appears on the login page, after user has completed, successfully, the registration process?

justmelat author 11/14/2017

What I think I want to do is something like this:
I have set a session variable on the "successful registration event". Once that var is set to true, i want to hide the register link that appears on the login page:
On the "After application initialized" event page, how can I or can I write and if-statement that achieves the following:

if ($registered == true){

[data-brick="bsloginregister"] {

display: none;


I tried the above, but it's not working, not sure what/how to get it working. Any insight would be appreciated.

justmelat author 11/14/2017

why does the code below not work in the javascript onload event or in the editor code snippet? How can I resolve?

if($_SESSION["alreadyRegistered"] == true){

echo "yeah";



}else {

echo("nope");// Put your code here.

romaldus 11/14/2017

why does the code below not work in the javascript onload event or in the editor code snippet? How can I resolve?

if($_SESSION["alreadyRegistered"] == true){

echo "yeah";



}else {

echo("nope");// Put your code here.


You cannot use php code in javascript onload event

justmelat author 11/16/2017

You cannot use php code in javascript onload event

ok, tried a thousands possible solutions, none of which are working.
How do I hide the register link/button, that appears on the login page, based on a session_var that I have created and set when first successful registration has been completed

For example:

//this would be placed in the "after application init" event

if(_session_var == true){

hide register link/button;
