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 style css editor

5/26/2017 12:29:07 PM
PHPRunner General questions
jgeorgiou author

in page view , custom css , i have input that code
.function-view .rnr-c > {

background: transparent url("";) !important;

body.function-view {


background:transparent url("";) no-repeat center center fixed;


about whole page(outside form) works fine

but about form-body it works as tiles , i have test is as that(down) but i get nothing just form blue default color
.function-view .rnr-c >

background: transparent url("";) no-repeat center center fixed;

any idea how can i fix it?

admin 5/26/2017

Without a screenshot or better yet a live URL this sort of question is hard to answer.

jgeorgiou author 5/30/2017

.function-view .rnr-c > {

background-color:#ffffff; !important;

Finally it works as is but i have another problem

i have filled in custom css of a default style the
.function-view .rnr-c >

background-color:#ffffff; !important;

but in view page i don't get white form but deafult light blue. Why i can't change it?