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Hide/Show DIV based on Form Field

5/1/2017 12:07:25 PM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
swiersman author

I am trying to hide a div on the View if a form fields value is "".
I tried using the following in the View page/JavaScript OnLoad event:
if (document.getElementById("view1_txtDeployCPType00").value == "")


document.getElementById("Initial").style.display = "none";

document.getElementById("Initial").style.display ="block";


  1. "view1_txtDeployCPType00" is the span id that is present when rendered. The form field is txtDeployCPType00.
  2. "Initial" is the DIV I am wishing to manipulate.
    Anyone have any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
    Many thanks,

admin 5/1/2017

You making it unnecessary complicated. Instead of plain Javascript use Javascript API to read the value of the field.