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How do you design multirow process?

2/23/2017 9:41:01 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Zerobaka author

Peace be upon you, fellow scripter.
My table has a counterpart, a void table, which has exact structure,

but only filled by moving un-needed rows from original, whenever its no longer needed.
So, what i wish to do is:

  1. replace the menu item 'Delete' with 'Void'
  2. replace the deletion subroutines with my routines, which basically move the selected rows from original table into void table
    Documentation only explain how to do (1), but not (2).
    So, any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


jadachDevClub member 2/23/2017

You can use a trigger on the database side which will move deleted records to another table.

Zerobaka author 2/23/2017

You can use a trigger on the database side which will move deleted records to another table.

Thanks for the replay, but could you tell me where exactly put this trigger, and how to doit with all selected rows?

admin 2/24/2017

Triggers need to be added right to the database, outside of PHPRunner. If you use MySQL: