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How to display user pic next to "Logged on as" message

11/13/2013 12:00:20 PM
ASPRunnerPro Tips and tricks

Lets consider the situation when your login tables stores path to user picture. Sample database structure:

ID Username Password Pic


1 admin xxxx

2 user xxxx


Here is how you can display this picture as a part of 'Logged on as' message.

  1. In AfterSuccessfulLogin event save path to image file in session variable:


2. Then in BeforeDisplay event of the page where you need to display this picture use the following:

xt.assign "username","<img height=24x width=24px src='" & SESSION("pic") & "'> " & SESSION("UserName")

Modify width and height of the page accordingly. You will have to add this code to each BeforeDisplay event of those pages where you want to display this picture.